Withdrawal From Spring Course

Hello everyone, I think I might have made a really big mistake. I applied to transfer to 6 different UC campuses this coming fall and was doing just fine until recently when I decided to withdraw from a course I was taking this spring worth 5 credits. I didn’t realize until after doing so that this puts me below the 60-unit requirement to transfer. I’ll only have 56 units completed by the time the spring semester is over. Have I royally screwed myself?


At many California Community colleges, there is still the option to sign up for classes that are late start and our 8 week long course. You could try that option if you are at one. If not, I would say your best option would be to email each school and explain the situation to them and say you will take a course over summer in order to get over 60 units.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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Regardless, you still need to notify the UC’s of the schedule change but definitely try to find a 4 unit class to meet the minimum requirements. With record numbers of applicants to the UC’s, they might not be too flexible so you have contact them either way.

Find a late start class, or try to find another community college that hasn’t started their semester yet (this one is probably rare). But yeah the late start class has definitely helped me squeeze in 3 units that I needed after dropping a class that will put me below the 60 unit mark.