My oldest is (maybe was) shooting for a BS in Computer Science, potentially even the 5 year BS/MS program.
Unfortunately, the CS department is severely overcrowded right now. As a result it can be really tough to get classes to progress in the CS major. My oldest was only able to get one CS class for next semester. Applying to the 5 year program is probably not doable now, and getting the BS will be a real scramble.
Net - I’d be wary of attending UNC for a CS degree if you have comparable options. Or at least go in with open eyes.
Wow, thanks for the heads up. I was actually pretty interested in UNC’s compsci program (I applied as biology major but was thinking about switching). I’m quite naive about how college credits & courses work; does this mean that it will be hard to graduate in 4 years in UNCs computer science program?
I think it depends on your goals, and whether you get lucky with the registration times assigned to you. If you’re going for a BA in CS, probably not too hard. But my oldest tells me several seniors were unable to get classes needed for the BS in CS, and had to switch to a BA.
In general, you may find it difficult to get the CS classes you want, in the semester you want. Not enough seats in a limited number of classes.
My son is graduating this May with a degree in Computer Science BS and minor in Math. He never had a problem getting his classes. The director Diane is always sending out emails with new class sections that are open. Truly, you will get what you need to graduate.
Saadnc you absolutely can and will graduate in 4 years. UNC has a strick policy about the 4 year rule. Actually you have to submit a request to stay after 4 years!!! There is a tar heel tracker and you will know exactly where you stand in classes you need.