Working at a bookstore?

<p>Hi guys,</p>

<p>I want to get a job at a bookstore. I read a decent amount, but not a whole lot since I have a lot of AP classes so I don't have too much free time to read.</p>

<li><p>I'm afraid during the job interview I'll look like a moron and not know what I'm talking about if they ask me about various books. Also I don't read romance novels/ sci fi.. so there are some genres I really don't know crap about. I'm worried I'll look like an idiot. :(</p></li>
<li><p>If I get the job, I'm afraid I'll feel like an idiot if I can't make recommendations pertaining to the genre the customer is interested in. My friend suggests lying and being vague about when someone asks me what I think about a book, but I think that's just wrong. What should I do? I don't want to look like a moron.</p></li>

<p>What do you guys think? Would really appreciate input from people who work in bookstores/ have worked in bookstores! Thanks! :)</p>

<p>I don’t think you’re going to need to have an encyclopedic knowledge of every book ever. If there’s a really popular book coming out that you know ever 14-year-old girl is going to be coming in to bug you about, read some reviews, other than that I don’t think you’ll actually be expected to be a walking book club.</p>

<p>Haha okay good… and you’re right… seeing that I’m 17 I doubt many adults will ask me for recommendations… aha </p>

<p>And most teenagers and younger are dumb/ not very well read so they’re easy to deal with/ recommend books to. haha</p>

<p>Just make sure you read some good books so you can strike up conversations with people when they buy that little known gem :)</p>

<p>For sure!! :slight_smile: Like I said I do read… just when I have the time… or am not wasting my time doing things like posting on CC aha.</p>

<p>Also… wouldn’t it be terrible if a smart guy (trust me, that is REALLY rare around where I am) asks me about a certain book that I have no clue about and look like an idiot. XP haha. But naw, considering I have read some, I shouldn’t look like a <em>total</em> idiot. aha</p>

<p>Probably not :stuck_out_tongue: I know whenever I say something about a book and someone gives me a weird look I’ll usually pester them until I get them to read it. The only problem is that I usually end up lending it to them and never getting it back :(</p>

<p>Maybe it’s because I mostly shop for books at big stores like B&N, but I never see that many employees being asked for book recs. The smaller book store I go to is a local chain, and I don’t see it there a lot either. I don’t think it’ll be a huge part of the job, don’t stress.</p>

<p>My sister sort of worked in a book store once, like she was listed as an employee of the store, got discounts on books, but really she worked in the cafe that was part of the store. Sort of like working at the Starbucks inside of B&N, but only if Starbucks served delicious full meals.</p>

<p>people ask librarians for help with books i have never seen a cashier reccomend a book to anyone at any book store thats what the sections are for they might come in and ask for a specific book when i go to the bookstore i am buying a specific book for example i like to get hp books the day they come out so when i go i get it i dont go to look around thats what i go to the library for so you shouldn’t worry they probably won’t even ask you questions about books it will probably be like a mcdonalds interview</p>