
<p>what is the work like at madison on a daily basis. how many hours a day do you usually spend working on your schoolwork. Is there a specific amount of you normally spend on each class a day, if so how long?</p>

<p>Might be harder than Yale. ;-)</p>

<p>Yale</a> Bulletin and Calendar</p>

<p>It depends on your abilities, the number of credits, the difficulty of the courses you choose... This has come up in past threads- you can choose minimal to maximal credits, labs, the easy or hard version of many courses...</p>

<p>It has been said to allow 2 hours of work outside the classroom for every credit- eg 6 hours for a 3 credit course. Typically each credit correlates with 1 hour per week in the classroom- lecture or discussion. Labs vary- often 2 or 3 hours for a credit, some as much as 9 (my second semester organic chem lab met for 4 1/2 hours twice a week, plus time to research syntheses and write up the report). A 16 credit load may translate into 16- 20 hours of classroom time. Unlike HS you will be expected to spend a lot more time outside of class doing class work. Classes may meet 2 or 3 times a week, variable start and end times to your day. Could start near 9 or 10 am and have some totally free afternoons- use them to do the school reading, writing and problem sets. A lot more work and a lot more independence than HS.</p>

<p>so on average how many hours a day would you put forth studying if your taking an average number of credits. How many credits do you need to graduate?</p>

<p>varies greatly by major, etc. I'd say 2-6 hours. 120-132 credits</p>

<p>It all depends on the classes you take and the person you are. Every class differs, but I can tell you than I don't spend 6 hours a week studying for a 3 credit class. It may average out to that because I study non-stop the days before a test, but I don't ration out my time like that.</p>

<p>Cthomp99, I'd wouldn't say no more than 6. I have a class I spend minium 6 hours, sometimes as many as 14 hours per week. That is if I don't have a test. This is also one of the hardest classes you can take. It also depends if you read your assigned reading and do all your homework. Like I never do the readings, but I always go to class and take amazing notes. It depends on your course of study and what works for you. I have friends who probably do like 4-10 hours a week total for all classes. I know others that have ungodly amounts of work, so it varies.</p>