worried about my brother

<p>My brother, a sophomore in high school, was suspended from his private school for two days after he came to one of the school dances drunk. The administration says that they have expunged the suspension from his records, but will he still have to report it when he applies to college? I know there's a question on the common application that asks specifically about suspensions and other behavioral issues. Could the guidance office at his school still report it?</p>

<p>I feel really bad for him. He's a smart kid with an otherwise great track record in school, and I don't want one mistake to ruin his chances.</p>

<p>Don’t worry. By the time he’s a senior applying to colleges, sophomore year will be quite a while ago. I don’t like it when people here refer to “ruining” one’s chances. If your brother is a hard-working student who enjoys learning and is considered a good addition to the college, he’ll be admitted. Even if the guidance office reports it, your brother probably won’t do it again and it just doesn’t really matter.</p>

<p>I think that some people will tell you to get your brother to say he drank at school, arguing that it’d be worse if colleges found out. The thing is, if it were them, and their guidance counselor didn’t say anything, they wouldn’t either.</p>

<p>People just aren’t that moral.</p>

<p>I think that your brother should ask his guidance counselor not to mail the drinking incident or see the envelope with the things that your guidance counselor sends. I haven’t had a good experience with finding understanding people. I can’t say that an admissions officer would be understanding.</p>