Worried: No contact for interview yet. HELP!

<p>Hi guys,</p>

<p>So I was just wondering, am I the only one here who hasn't been contacted by an alumni yet for an interview? After seeing most of the threads, I'm kind of freaking out. Should I just wait and see what happens? </p>


<p>I haven’t been contacted yet, and I submitted my application around 12/15. However, I did apply on paper. Could that maybe make a difference?</p>

<p>I wouldn’t worry too much about it. My friend and I both applied and neither of us has interviewed… and I turned in my app REALLY early, like end of October. Think it also depends on where you are. We’re in Hawaii so that might have something to do with it :slight_smile: Been a while since I’ve looked at their interview comments but I’m not sure they’re doing any more interviews at this stage… anyway they have about a zillion applicants, there’s no way they’re going to get to interview us all.
:slight_smile: all the best to you guys!</p>

<p>My D was just called last night by her interviewer. So there’s still a chance. It does seem like it matters where you live and whether they have a volunteer interviewer located there.</p>

<p>I don’t think it matters. </p>

<p>I submitted all of my applications before Thanksgiving, and I didn’t get any contact about interviews, aside from Cornell (which was done before ED/EA decisions were even released), until last week, when I got 5 or so.</p>

<p>So far only Harvard and Yale haven’t contacted me for an interview. Every place is pretty much covered, although I sadly didn’t sign up for Northwestern quickly enough.</p>

<p>My son just had his interview last night. His interviewer told him that admissions decisions would be made in mid-March, so interviews need to be wrapped up soon. If you are worried, just call and see when they will finish interviewing in your area. Could be that the alumni interviewer hasn’t gotten around to calling you yet.</p>

<p>The deadline for interviewers to submit their recs., according to my interviewer is early Feb. (Feb. 1st I think…)</p>

<p>the fact that you didn’t get an interview means they prescreened you and already decided to reject you.</p>

<p>just kidding. don’t worry about it…they acknowledge those who don’t have one are not at a disadvantage necessarily.</p>

<p>Don’t worry. I’m in the same boat, called Princeton today, and I told the admissions officer who answered the phone when I submitted my app (late November) that I hadn’t yet been contacted for an interview. She said that I WILL be contacted like it was certain, they are probably just backlogged.</p>

<p>don’t worry yet…I got mine last week :slight_smile: I’d give it another week before assuming you won’t get one</p>

<p>I haven’t been contacted either - not really worried but seems like i might be at a disadvantage because of it. I applied about a week before the deadline, so i have a feeling I won’t get interviewed.
I’ve heard that an interview is almost crucial, if available, because of P-ton’s low acceptance rate… do any of you think/know anything regarding how it would hurt you to not interview?</p>

<p>I applied on the last day possible and got called today. A friend in the same school applied at the same time and got his call about two weeks earlier… so I wouldn’t read too much into it.</p>

<p>hm. okay. thanks for that tidbit, findis.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the advice guys! It was very helpful. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>I’m planning on calling the alumni people to ask about the interviews though, just in case.</p>

<p>hey, I have a slightly different problem.
I have been contacted by Princeton to have an interview by a chair of Alumni - Interviewers in my country. He told me to contact another alumn which I did.</p>

<p>It has been about 10 days and I haven’t got a reply, I have resend the messages and wrote to the chair of alumns about the problem but also with no response. Should I thus contact Princeton directly? The closing date is 1st of March and I am afraid they won’t answer before that date…</p>


<p>give them some time…you still have another month…</p>

<p>@greenhills: I am in same situation. But 1st of March is a month away… so I think we should just wait.</p>