<p>Last friday I worked from 6 pm to 2:30 am, it was hell.</p>
<p>I would love to work that. Im a night/early morning person</p>
<p>My worse was 7am to 6pm.</p>
<p>10AM to 1AM.</p>
<p>/eyeroll at Drew - 8 hours?</p>
<p>10 am to 7 pm
It sucked because it was saturday right in the middle of the day. Couldn't do anything in the morning and I was tired as #**$ when I got home...I hate work :(</p>
<p>10AM to 1AM.</p>
<p>/eyeroll at Drew - 8 hours?</p>
<p>it wasn't the length that was bad, because I've worked longer (9am to 7pm being my longest) it was the hours. Being at work at 2:30 just sucked.</p>
<p>10AM to 1AM at a restaurant was terrible. I could barely handle one shift there let alone two.</p>
<p>thank the heavens for being a private tutor. i only work on weekdays and saturday mornings.</p>
<p>I work (tutor) 8:30-10pm several times a week, which can be quite tiresome on school nights. But it's not really that bad. What's worse than that is spending all day Sunday working :(</p>
<p>6 pm to 1 am, every Friday and Saturday. It sucks to work at a Movie Theatre.</p>
<p>6 pm to 1 am, every Friday and Saturday. It sucks to work at a Movie Theatre.</p>
<p>I work at a movie theatre as well!</p>
<p>4:30-5:30 every sunday morning as a paper carrier.</p>
<p>The hours aren't long and arduous, but getting ups a biznitch.</p>
<p>hmm 4:00-7:00 with a half hour break. after paying for gas to get there (40 miles round trip) and food on break...i made 2 dollars</p>
<p>24/7 </p>
<p>I'm a male prostitute. lol :p</p>
<p>Phil! :(</p>
<p>I know it's a stupid joke. :p</p>
<p>I used to work a couple 11p-7a shifts when I was a security guard. But the all time worst shift is 7p-7a which I only did a couple times, that is a horrible shift!</p>
<p>7am-9pm, at McDonald's.</p>
<p>IM glad i dont work...no actually i want to work but my parents say no...I think im just going to volunteer everywhere for the rest of my life i mean i will have no Work experience when i go to college in 2 yearS! ANd my parents will pay for tuition room and board and room stuff but the extra nessecities they expect u to Pay for w/ a job!</p>
<p>at my old job I used to work from like 1pm to about midnight sometimes...at my current job I only work from like 8am to 3pm</p>
<p>11pm-4am...gas station</p>