Would Anyone Mind Chancing Me At These Schools?

<p>I am currently a senior at a high school with a pretty good reputation. My high school gpa is an 89.1 weighted/87.4 unweighted. I scored a 2130 on the SATS (660 critical reading, 73 math, 740 writing). Ive taken 4 APs (psychology-5, World History-4, Statistics-4, U.S. History-3) and am planning on taking Calculus AB, Physics B, and U.S. Gov/Politics this year. I have a decent amount of ECs and community service, and I've managed to pull off a 94 so far in senior year even though it isn't calculated into my gpa. So what are my chances at the following schools?</p>

<p>SUNY Binghamton (Harpur College, not the business college)
SUNY Geneseo
SUNY Stony Brook
SUNY Buffalo (University, not college)
University of Delaware
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
University of Maryland- College Park
Union College (the one in schenectady)
University of Rochester
Northeastern University
University of Connecticut</p>

<p>Oh, I almost forgot. I took the SAT2s in math 2, physics, and US history and scored a 690, 710, and 720 respectively.</p>

<p>You’ll get into Udel no problem</p>

<p>thanks, but what about the other schools?</p>

<p>Come on 58 views and only one reply? even if youre only chancing me for one school id still appreciate it</p>

<p>Honestly it looks like you have a great chance at all these schools but UMD would be the hardest on your list. Goodluck with your list I’m sure you will have many options btw could you chance me on my thread for Syracuse thnx.</p>

<p>I got into UCONN honors program with lower SATs (I’m instate though) so you could conceivably get into that. As for the rest, I think you’re certainly in the ballpark with your grades and test scores.</p>

<p>My top two choices are Bing and Geneseo. Does anyone have any idea what my chances are of getting into those two specifically?</p>

<p>I think in at all of them because you have very high SAT’s</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1053418-chance-me.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1053418-chance-me.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I don’t know very much about SUNY schools. But UDelaware and Union shouldn’t be an issue. Northeastern and Uconn are also not very selective. I have a good friend that got into Rochester with worse scores- your SAT fairly high.
Best of luck!</p>

<p>And again, more important than numbers is your interest/ the way you present yourself</p>

<p>BUMP 10char</p>

<p>Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention my course load. So far my AP scores are as follows:</p>

<p>World History: 4
U.S. History: 3
Statistics: 4
Psychology: 5</p>

<p>I’m also taking Physics B, Calculus AB, and U.S. Government and politics this year. If anyone could chance me for even just Binghamton and Geneseo I would really appreciate it. Thanks.</p>

<p>Come on, any help at all?</p>