Would Appreciate Feedback on my Common App Essay!


<p>I would like some feedback on my common application essay, because I don't know if I'm taking the right direction with it. Honest, constructive, feedback would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Thank you in advance! (and if you would like to help out, please post or PM me your email)</p>

<p>sure i’ll give some criticisms (if there are any). Keep in mind I am also applying this year, so if you dont want to give it then thats fine.</p>

<p>Oh it’s completely fine, I mean all help will be appreciated. Can you PM me your email?</p>

<p>sent. :smiley: look forward to reading it</p>

<p>I’m going to bump this because I’ve been getting many PMs, and more help is always appreciated.</p>