Would July ACT be "easier" ?

Pondering the following: The July ACT is being given in all states (or many) except New York and California. I realize that some kids that need to take it from NY and CA will travel to states that are administering the ACT. Could it be that without kids from these 2 states taking the test (and they are generally states with high concentrations of strong performers (given NM PSAT high score cut offs) that the curve for the test will be “easier” - thus more kids getting higher ACT scores? I know many say that there is no curve AFTER the test (i.e., all scales are set before the particular test), but one would have to think that there is some sort of scaling after kids take the test and the ACT gets the results, before releasing final scores. I just think without so many high scorers from California and New York the overall test may produce more high scores from other states.

im taking july and I sure hope so