Would this be creepy?

<p>I got my preliminary roommate assignment, which had my roommates name, and her phone number. Using just her name (It was pretty unique) I found her facebook. Would it be creepy to message her on facebook? Should I wait until August when I receive the final assignment?</p>

<p>I’d wait for the final one. Things could change if it’s just preliminary, yeah?</p>

<p>Though if she approaches you, it couldn’t hurt to talk (seeing as you’re fine with it, but not sure if she would).</p>

<p>On the upside, if you approach her now and find out that you may not get along, you can ask for a different roommate before the final, couldn’t you?</p>



<p>Unless you’re polar extremes (neo-nazi and a jew, for example), wouldn’t it be a bit tough to assess how you’d live together simply through Facebook? I’d think how you’d live together is more important than if you’d be best friends.</p>

<p>(I have no personal experience in the field, just what I’d imagine.)</p>

<p>Holy crap, that was creepy. My future roommate just texted, and it’s not like we just got the assignment today, we got it over 2 weeks ago. But anyways, I guess my problem is solved.</p>

<p>LOL you’re equally creepy. Sounds like a match made in heaven.</p>

<p>i would go with what adam said. I would wait till later since its too early right now to be sure anyhow</p>

<p>No, it wouldn’t. I would suggest contacting her now in case there are some deal breakers. If something about their lifestyle/personality makes you uneasy, don’t just brush it aside. Nothing is worse then rooming with someone you can’t stand. Chat a little on facebook, and if you feel like you don’t click, don’t be afraid to say something or ask for a switch. Little things add up, and it’s not easy to catch until you live with them. And remember that peoples lifestyles change when they go to school, so if they seems immature or clingy they may get into things that they weren’t into in hs. I can’t stand my roommate, should have noticed that when she started facebooking me obsessively and sending me links to really stupid youtube videos. Though I could overlook it, but she turned out to be an immature, ignorant and inconsiderate roommate who violated mutually constructed rules. So if something seems off, it’s better to know early in the game.</p>

<p>Well it depends, I mean sometimes the final one is the same roommate given earlier. Though I would probably wait for the final one, in case they turn out not to be your roommate.</p>

<p>But wow, you wont know your final roommate until August? Thats just odd.</p>

<p>It isn’t creepy. You both have each other’s contact information from your college. It’s kinda the point. Just keep it simple. “Are you excited to go to college” or “What are you planning to bring.”</p>

<p>Introduce yourself. It can’t hurt. You’ll either have a friend by the end of the summer or you’ll b able to change your rooming assignment without having to move out of one dorm to another dorm.</p>

<p>eh…why would it be creepy to contact your roommate?</p>

<p>Considering Ive had three roommates my first year in college, and I always manage to get stuck with somebody who is mentally depressed, Id want to know as much about that person as possible. Its not weird to facebook them, just say “hey it looks like we are going to be roommates, how you like school so far…etc.”</p>

<p>I’d say leave her a message.</p>

<p>Yeah you may want to consider leaving her a message, but then the question also begins… why didn’t she leave you a message?</p>

<p>But wow, you wont know your final roommate until August? Thats just odd. </p>

<p>I don’t think I get mine till August either…</p>

<p>Hah - I sent my freshman year roommate a preliminary greeting, asking which of us should bring what, etc.</p>

<p>I don’t believe he ever responded.</p>

<p>You see, he was into Warhammer, painting the little figurines, drinking by himself in his room, smoking a pack of cigs a day, stapling poetry to his wall, and acting like a tortured melancholy, misunderstood soul.</p>

<p>I, on the other hand, was a normal human being. We didn’t really click.</p>