<p>Dosent tell his parents about you?? My parents are very Conservative Muslims and they wont tolerate me having a girlfriend so if tell them they wont let me. I have a car and can drive so i can go to a girlfriends house but cannot have her come to my house. I just want some opinions from some females.</p>
<p>I’m sure she’s bound to feel some kind of worthless sooner or later.</p>
<p>yeah, i would if theres a good reason like there is for you. if his parents dont care and hes just embarrassed, thats just weird</p>
<p>Beleive me if i didnt think the girl is worth it i wouldnt be going out with her and risking it.</p>
<p>some girls might even prefer it if theyre dramatic, everybody loves a good forbidden romance</p>
<p>I’m feeling your pain brother. I’m muslim too and I’m not allowed to have any boyfriends (and no, they’re not fundamentalist). Although it’s not the best idea to go sneaking around with your gf, since I’m assuming that you’ll get into some major trouble, you’re better off not letting your parents know, and you have a good reason, so I guess it’s kind of okay.</p>
<p>My Mom would be ****ed , my dad wouldnt really be mad but hed probably have to agree with my mom. They would probably try to stop me but i wouldnt really get in that much trouble.</p>
<p>If he had a good reason, like you. </p>
<p>Other than that- NO.</p>
<p>Although, you definatly need to make sure she’s worth it and explain the situation in depth so she doesn’t feel worthless.</p>
<p>hahaha. That’s EXACTLY how my parents would react. My mom would freak out, and my dad probably wouldn’t approve of it but he wouldn’t react the same as how my mom would. Interesting…</p>
<p>Maybe we should hook up haha</p>
<p>Seeing as I’m straight, no. But if you were a girl, definitely if it were a good reason such as that. Totally understandable.</p>
<p>If I were you, I would be more worried about your parents finding out and then you being in deep doodoo.</p>
<p>Like others have said, only if there was a good reason (like yours).</p>
<p>My ex just didn’t feel like telling them.</p>
<p>He’s my ex for a reason.</p>
<p>Im confused you said you werent allowed to have any boyfriends</p>
<p>^ I’m not.</p>
<p>Are u Male or Female?</p>
<p>“adil91, oh adil91, wherefore art thou adil91?”</p>
<p>Ehh, probably not. I’d feel really uncomfortable. But I would “sort of” go out with him. My friend’s parents wouldn’t let her go out with a guy she liked (not religious reasons. They have no religion. Just culture, she’s Chinese) so they would just make plans and then invite other people. It was a standard for me, one of our friends, and them to go out almost every weekend. I’d do that.</p>
<p>I’m actually wondering if my parents allow me to date. My father apparently thought that a time I had just one male friend over was a date and he was freaking out and really angry. I didn’t know, I just heard from my sister. In 30+ years of being a father, he’s never had any of his daughters go on dates until they were in college. And he was screaming at my mother because the guy isn’t black (Turkish) and blaming her, which is just stupid.</p>
<p>idk how much my parents would care, but i would still keep it from them at least in the very beginning (not actively lying about it but just not bringing it up) since I wouldn’t want my parents to know every little thing about my social life</p>
<p>I wouldn’t, especially because of the whole Muslim part.</p>
<p>Im not muslim myself</p>