<p>I dont' think it is our place to try to defeat a post. It is an opinion and we need to keep that in mind. In his mind, kids posting are having similar experiences he had.....that's ok. It is a heavily weighted instate school (as many are probably but not mandatory like NC). Out of staters experiences are very different depending on whether they know people there already vs. instaters who often ARE attending with 50 of their peers from h.s. I think it is believable that although we wish the instaters or all of them were open to new relationships, MANY are going through the same withdrawal/separation anxiety from home and are grasping things most familiar. It is silly to sit here and debate someone's experience from many years ago rather than accepting it for what it was meant....to validate the experience SOME students are having. I really didn't take offense to it because it is HIS opinion and HIS experience....and I was not there. Lets stay to the post....Chapel Hill is a great college town. Experiences differ and if we benefit from helping students who are having a harder time fitting in , we are serving a valuable service to them. Sometimes kids want the truth instead of "you are going to love it there, its great" The truth is that leaving home is tough no matter where you go....going out of state much tougher.....going where you know no one is even MORE tough.....it will get better but it will take time, you have to find your way and you will. I hated my University my first semester.....but after that never went home. Many of us have that experience. They just dont' hear the bad news, just the good news sometimes. Venting here where some of us are listening can be very helpful, not to dismiss their comments but to help them along.</p>
<p>IMHO, some kids bring their h.s. attitudes of exclusiveness and cliques, but most shed those very quickly.</p>
<p>I hope all of the students/parents will let us know how things are coming along. This week is better than last for my D. I hope it will continue to improve.</p>