My close friend chose me to write the peer rec for her and I feel really humbled! I mean, we’re both applying yet she trusts me not to write any negative thing(not that I would–I LOVE her). Would Dartmouth accept the peer-rec even though I’m also an applicant? I didn’t ask her to write mine. I haven’t even asked anyone but I think I’d like to ask her. Would two applicants writing Peer recs for each other be okay? I don’t want anything that would jeopardize both our chances because I can totally see us being roomies!
Also, exactly how much information is too much information when writing a peer rec? I’d like to stress how “real” she is with an example of how she always gave speeches telling girls to never downgrade themselves for a guy but then her ex-boyfriend(she really loved him) started treating her like a piece of trash and she owned the situation and left him(after calling him out((epic stuff)). Considering how long they’d been together, I never thought she’d take her own advice! It inspired me and many other girls without her even realizing it.