Yale Class of 2027 Official Thread

Can people contact the financial department and ask for their SID. Does having an SID mean that you are accepted?

You can try. But I’m sure they wouldn’t just give it away like that. Also, do u really wanna hear “sorry, we haven’t assigned u an SID” in case it is that way? :skull:

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I appreciate it! I have the longer message, so fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:



So what have we gathered from all of this so far till now?

Does it seem like a good/positive sign?
and do both the longer version and the shorter version have the same meaning?

FYI I have got the verification but my friend has not
(BOTH of us are intls btw)

  1. it is a very good sign
  2. length of form is insignificant

Sorry to bother you again, but have you got the updated poll results for it?

Is it still a low number of people who have it compared to the size of the pool?

This all seems so early for final admissions decisions to be made and portal astrology. It’s March 6th. Based on the Yale Admissions podcast they are still in regional committee meetings until the end of this week.

Then it’s Final Review starting roughly late this week/next week from what I can tell from their timeline.

“After every application has been read and has gone through an area committee, there’s one final step before decisions are released. Hannah and Mark discuss the last week of the committee process, known as Final Review, when loose ends are tied up and the hard reality of the selection process necessitates that some decisions change. Admissions officer Alfie joins to discuss how officers and committee members work together to finalize the first-year class.”

Watching this unfold for Dartmouth ED applicants I didn’t think that the request for certain FA documents indicated acceptance.

That said, it takes a lot of work to evaluate these things to thanks to the community members who did this work. But it’s so self selective - just students on CC or A2C right?


Not applying for financial aid, so I don’t.

I don’t get portal astrology tbh. Just wait; you don’t want to set yourself up for disappointment.


the same podcast says that the final review is only to shorten if over-enrolled. Or replace those with grade drops or disciplinary issues. Others are relatively unmoved


The fact that over 95% of RD applicants will be rejected precludes any portal astrology where a high number of applicants have a positive indication. I really think people are setting themselves up for disappointment if they are expecting a positive outcome based on these tea leaves. People are better off with conservative expectations and hope for a pleasant surprise.

In terms of where the AO is at this point, I just interviewed a candidate last week, so not all decisions have been made.


That’s a very fine argument, but it was somewhat accurate at Georgia Tech, which is why some students still try doing this stuff.

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Honestly the Portal Astrology at Georgia Tech happened hours before the decisions were released so idk.

Don’t follow GT, but in cases of portal astrology there is a ton of selection bias. The people for whom it worked out are more likely to report a positive result linked to the astrology while the people who were rejected are much less likely to report it. And the people who go back and analyze this are more likely to “note” the positive cases.

In the case of GT, it has a 16% overall acceptance rate and a 21% in state acceptance rate. For early action, the in state acceptance rate is almost 40%. So you are going to have a large cohort of admitted students which could easily have a number of common factors in portal astrology that have nothing to do with admissions.


What’s happened to Dartmouth ED applicants?

The reason u see so many here is coz of self selectivity. Those who don’t have it, aren’t on the threads (most of them atleast)

Yale is not GA Tech

Hours before decisions is not a month before decisions.


We just have to wait and find out the results. I am not in any way saying that the tab will work.

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That really interested me too that the committees are typically really accurate with decisions before going into their final review.

But it’s still really early and portal astrology sets people up for disappointment and high levels of anxiety. Now if you were discussing UChicago coming out this Friday maybe the timing might be more accurate there for decisions. However, there are also students applying to all of these schools who are full pay.

As for the other poster asking about Dartmouth - ED applicants discussed FA requests at length on A2C in particular which really led to high stress levels for students. Students were left wondering why would someone receive certain FA forms and others weren’t. For the Dartmouth ED round it didn’t appear to be an accurate gauge of admissions. But that said, much about college admissions is messy and complicated especially involving such highly competitive universities.


Completely agree with you about selection bias. Very few students will come back post decision if it’s a rejection and share details.

These students will hopefully move onto the schools that love them.


Dartmouth has a history with fin aid docs. For 19 years now (yes, 19) fin aid requests have meant a 100% acceptance. However, not getting a fin air request DOES NOT mean a rejection.

Same with Yale and SID/Verification statement, except it’s been 4-5 years