Yale Class of 2027 Official Thread

I thanked you before.

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Same here

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Hey, thank you for saying that!!!

I thought people just forgot me after I told them what they wanted to hearā€¦

I donā€™t know the exact number, cause you know that there are so many applicants and I can only ask a handful of them; however, after analyzing everything I can firmly say that itā€™s sure a positive sign(or acceptance :wink:)


Thank you for all your hard work :pray:t2:
Hope you get in :hugs:
Make sure to come back here and let us know yr results :wink:

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What was your theory? Sorry I thereā€™s so many posts on this thread.

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The bare bone of it was that,

if you have the form you are almost 85% admitted. I canā€™t say 100% cause only an acceptance letter can assure you 100%.

You have to read the entire post if you want the whole context.

It seems to me that everyone here has the verification formā€¦
Who in this thread does NOT have the verification form?


It probably seems that everyone has the verification form as only people that have it are wondering as to what it means and are flocking to this thread.


Anyone knows what this is?

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I had the ā€œIDOC - second recordā€ form and was deferred REA. I also know a few people who had it and were accepted. So I donā€™t think it means anything.

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Itā€™s for almost everyone. That doesnā€™t mean anything



look that my form was different, it wasnā€™t like this one.

True. Selection bias. We wouldnā€™t be looking into this at all had we not got this form on our portal


The household verification form was used to be known as the Family Grid form. You can google it.

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While we do have a few survey results, it is most definitely skewed due to selection bias. It would be really really helpful if some of you could ask around in your friendsā€™ group and see if everyone has the ā€œverification statementā€
If it is indeed more common than not, then it would mean that itā€™s nothing important

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Does the Parentā€™s Income Information dated to the 23rd mean anything. I am an international and no one else that I have had any contact with had this document (all other documents were received a month before).

Unfortunately Iā€™m the only one I know who applied to Yale. The survey everyoneā€™s talking about, could you please link it regardless? Iā€™d be really curious as towards reference point here.

Iā€™d answered before. It isnā€™t. I know a few who have it. Itā€™s fairly common. A W2 form, for non US citizens, is called by various names and one of them is parentsā€™income info

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Understandable. The survey and other stuff should be comment number 210-ish