
<p>I live in Texas and people say the term "yall" oftenly. Do you guys use this term frequently in other states or is it just a Texas thing? I am curious because I have heard different things from people and when I go to other states I am unsure if I should use this term!</p>

<p>In the philly area, a lot of people say youse.</p>

<p>It’s a contraction… Y’all…</p>

<p>I think it’s a primarily Midwestern thing.</p>

<p>I’m from Georgia, and we say ya’ll like it’s nothin.</p>

<p>Definitely uncommon to not say ya’ll in South Carolina.</p>

<p>Uh…not in Jersey. It’s a southern thing.</p>

<p>Unless you’re a tourist, you don’t say yall in California…</p>

<p>Some people say “y’all” here in 'Zona, mostly the older natives or farmers (at least the ones I know). My parents say it all the time, but they’re from Virginia and North Carolina. It’s used every where in the south.</p>

<p>Nope, not here in NY. I used to use it when I lived in Missouri, but don’t use it anymore now that I moved to NY. I say “you guys” a lot now.</p>

<p>yall ain’t heard nothin til you’ve been to kentucky</p>

<p>nope, not in ohio</p>

<p>that term is very common in NC</p>

<p>Southern terms for the win.</p>

<p>I hear it all the time, living in VA. I don’t use it though.</p>

<p>No one ever says yall in chicago</p>

<p>Not in New Jersey. Unless you’re from the South. I enunciate. :p</p>

<p>I’m live in the West and I have rarely, if ever, heard anyone say “ya’ll”. Usually when people say it, it is in a joking manner.</p>

<p>I feel like a redneck when I say yall but I still say it I guess cause it is very commonly said in Texas…I think I will try to say “you guys” more but that is an extra syllable ugh.</p>

<p>I say “you guys”. My old Spanish teacher used to say “yall”</p>

<p>Y’all is a traditional Southern Term…so yes it is used in states in the Southeast to Texas.</p>

<p>Lol, where I live folks say it every third sentence. It’s the universal pronoun!</p>