yeah Hollywood (oxford chance 1 more time.)

<p>here are the stats:</p>

<p>ACT: 32 on english, 28 on math but maybe better from the last ACT</p>

<p>AP's: Span- 5 Eng- 4 US History- 3</p>

<p>GPA:3.27 ew.</p>

<p>ECs listed on app: football, track, was in 2 clubs, and work</p>

<p>Job/Work Experience: did finances that were really receipts at a family friend's company and also had a job there too</p>

<p>Essays (subject and responses): on two hardships that have come down on me the last 2 years, and my dealing w/ them, how they've made me a more mature person.</p>

<p>Teacher Recs: better than great</p>

<p>Counselor Rec: great</p>

<p>School Type: Private, does not rank</p>

<p>Ethnicity: Hispanic</p>


<p>Also: Took 3 summer courses at a local comm. college</p>

<p>oxford of emory or emory chances appreciated thanks</p>

<p>oh and i'm applying ED. i already submitted thankfully</p>

<p>i kinda hope that being hispanic helps me out a lot but idk for sure</p>

<p>your scores on the math and english sections of the ACT look really good, im guessing your other scores are ok as well, but id recommend really pushing your last classes to bump your gpa up a bit more</p>

<p>eh they were decent, but i’m sure they went up this time around doesn’t oxford just look at math and english though?</p>

<p>hey guys i have a question: when i submitted my oxford app it said to make sure i sent in the parent signature page? Where is this located? I looked on the printable application and I only saw a student signature page of sorts.</p>

<p>GSW - I’d give you an 85% chance of getting in (at least) a 32 + URM is great especially at Emory where our hispanic community is merely 4%. Try applying to the main campus as well - I think you have a shot!</p>

<p>green day, i did the same thing, but i just signed the stuff on the app. </p>

<p>btw i am applying to oxford of emory and emory main campus too. do they just look at the english and math or whole thing…(please no whole thing…pleaseeee)</p>

<p>and you just mailed it in? okie doke</p>

<p>…ya that’s about it, hopefully get an acceptance soon from Oxford don’t know about emory</p>

<p>do they look at just the math + english or the whole damn thing</p>

<p>oh and when do they mail out ED decisions?</p>

<p>Math + CR only.</p>

<p>wait seriously!? so are the act averages that they give only using those then?</p>

<p>im not sure but for the SAT its only math and reading.</p>