YO!!! chance me?? plz

<p>hey guys, i usually don't believe in this kind of thing, but i'm getting really nervous cuz I screwed up my early applications pretty bad.</p>

<p>first i was gonna ED wharton but then my parents wouldnt let me due to money issues
then i was gonna EA uchicago and mit, but i procrastinated till 4 days b4 and my parents said my essays sucked so i chickened out</p>

<p>penn is my first choice by far but I have to apply regular :( :( :(</p>

<p>haha so anyway here goes.</p>

<p>Race: Chinese male (yes male is a race)
Location: Illinois
School: public school (about 3100 kids) -- sends about 10 to top schools (HYPSM + other ivies each year)</p>

<p>SAT: 800cr, 790m, 690w (8essay)
ACT: 36
SATII: 800math2, 790chem, 770bio
GPA: not sure but i've only gotten 3 B's in the most rigorous courseload thingy (3.9?)
AP: 5's on calcbc, bio, chem, lang, gov ... gonna take 5 more this year
recs: should be pretty good</p>

<p>Senior courses: ap macro/micro, ap compsci, multivariable calculus, ap physics C, ap lit</p>

<p>Awards: National Merit semifinalist, ap scholar w/ distinction, toshiba exploravision honorable mention, 3x AIME qualifier, national honors society?</p>

Math team (capt.) - 6th place state individual, other random awards
Dance (hiphop/choreo)
volleyball (3 yrs, varsity 2yrs)
peer tutoring
comm service (about 180 hrs)
Junior engineering techological society - 1st place nation
played bball soph. year and xcountry fresh/soph year but dont think im writing that down
i'm on the financial advisory board of my town of about 140,000 people (if that counts?)
i drive my little brother and sister EVERYWHERE (seriously like at least 1.5 hrs per day--so annoying :) should i talk about this?</p>

<p>Work Exp:
circuit city sales employee
internship at all-state</p>

<p>um...I transferred schools so dunno how that's gonna affect anything and I'm a nice person :D (i think)...i guess i don't have too much leadership but it's pretty hard to be president of random clubs at a big school...</p>

<p>anyway...could ya'll chance me for Wharton and CAS? Thanks!</p>

<p>Wow dude…you’re really crazy qualified…just write some kicking essays and ur in…</p>

<p>3x AIME qualifier…
enough said lol</p>

<p>What a beast</p>

<p>Oh AIME counts? I’ve taken that three times, too but I don’t think I mentioned it on my app…</p>

<p>any more input?</p>

<p>should i emphasize that I basically parent my two siblings? or would they just think im trying to be cute?</p>

<p>parent your two siblings…
what do you mean? your parents aren’t around much? that could be a potentially good essay topic…</p>

<p>yeah they arent around much so i transferred back from boarding school to “parent” them</p>

<p>my parents arent bad or anything they just have to work a lot</p>

<p>wow…dude apply to Harvard</p>

<p>aww that so sweet :slight_smile:
i think that would actually be a really good essay topic!</p>

<p>what a geek… congratualtions!</p>

<p>geek? me? what makes you think that? haha i guess i am then</p>

<p>and huh, congratulations? what?</p>

<p>anyways…anymore chances?
how much do they care about that writing score? not that im going to retake it again…just wondering</p>

<p>obviously not as much as math/reading but I will chance you again…
GOOD CHANCES lol (even RD)</p>

<p>lol i guess all this uncertainty is killing me haha</p>

<p>your chances have just slightly dropped because you wrote lol and haha in the same sentence!</p>