<p>I"m looking for anyone with information/impressions about York College in York, PA. I have a student w/ 2.3 GPA, 1290 SATs, music talent (vocal) and who has ADD issues; looking for good, small schools; unfortunately we live in VA with the most competitive state schools. I would appreciate any personal experiences or info on how students like it there; how they do afterwards. Thanks!</p>
<p>York is a cool place, one of my best friends goes there and really enjoys it. </p>
<p>He does seem to come back home often though, because weekends tend to be overly partyish, as is the case with most PA state schools.</p>
<p>School has a poor rep in the Phila suburbs, 1290 is a pretty high sat for York. How about Elon in NC.</p>
<p>SAT is good, but GPA is 2.3 and no AP classes; I think Elon would be more than he could handle...</p>
<p>well, every state school thats not PSU or Pitt or Temple has a poor rep in the philly suburbs - that includes ESU, Shipp, and York as well</p>
<p>1290 is really good, did the student get extra time for ADD? just curious</p>
<p>Yes, and it really helped; score went up over 300 pts. from previous PSAT score...</p>
<p>York is nearby to where I work & I have friends who live in the area & interact with the college. Don't know too much about the place, other than its one of the oldest schools in the US, but fairly small/intimate & steady-eddy decent reputation. Criminology is hot major there now.</p>
<p>what about La Salle???? they r a good school not far from temple.. I dont know the average GPA though but ur SAT is on point.</p>
<p>I met someone last year who spent a year at York. He went there bcs he says that he refused to take sats bcs he did not want to test on a week-end. He was not going to conform. He said that he just took a couple of classes as a nonaccepted student and passed, then he applied, and was admitted. He proudly told me that you can do this at many schools of your choosing throughout the country. Anyway, he says the nursing program is the strongest program there and he felt that nursing/science were the only worthwhile programs at York. I have no personal knowledge about the school.</p>
<p>I met 2 kids from my area who went to Lasalle last year. This is the school that kimmibee16 suggested. It is catholic, I believe. One is there as a nursing major, and loves it. The other one did not do well socially or academically, and for what ever reason was very uncomfortable there and left after the first semester. I think that the student that loves it is just innately brighter, and much more bookish. The other student was into being on the first aid squad, took flying lessons to become a pilot while in high school, but did not have the same drive to sit with his books.</p>
<p>Look of post by or send a PM to Fendergirl as she is a recent York College Grad.</p>
<p>Thanks for all the feedback so far. I think they are supposed to have a good music program, too.</p>
<p>York is not a state school</p>
<p>just found this thread so i thought i'd post and say that yes I did graduate from york, and i loved it, and i'm doing great afterwords :)</p>