you guys will probably laughh

<p>Bump Bump Bump..........need last descions on where to visit</p>

<p>Being that you only want to stay in the east prevents your chances of getting into some good colleges. You need to expand your search and look through the entire nation.</p>

<p>wat pther colleges do u thinks would be good around the nation</p>

<p>OK I did a search for you in a college database for medium to large schools in the east with average GPA for 2.0-3.0 and with Biology majors, and this is what I came up with. I hope I was some help. (also included some schools not in the northeast) </p>

<p>Augusta State University
Bridgewater State College
College of Staten Island (open admission)
Hunter College (prob more of a reach)
Kean University
Norfolk State University
Bethune-Cookman College
Fitchburg State College
Northeastern Illinois University
Worcester State College</p>

<p>Anyway you definitely have a great chance at Umass-amherst, and I think that you should express your desire to go there in your application. Good luck, and let us know what happens.</p>

<p>Oh also look into West Virginia University</p>

<p>thank you for all your help you guys are great people and tahnk you for your input i will def. keep you up to date....i really should et to know more smart kids</p>