you guys will probably laughh

<p>ok, well ive been pretty much slacking off in high school, and now i believe its too late to do anything about it....i have a 2.6 gpa and a 1700 on my sats (retake in octoboer), i know you guys are all smart but im an i guess average student who needs advice and had no where else to going to be a sr. at a very competitive high school, dont have class ranks, and have many Ec's i live in massachusetts, and am looking at schools like umass-amherst, U of vermont, U of New Hampshire, and URI, also Suffolk, any advice if i can get into these schools or should i just be looking at small state schools..................any help is greatly appreciated</p>

<p>Im going to be taking Ap-Bio and Ap- euro history(hardest class in the school)
as a going to bust my butt i hope to raise it to a solid 2.8or higher adn look to get a 1800+ on my next sats....please help</p>

<p>try rutgers in new jersey. It's pretty lenient in it's admissions, and it's not a all a bad school. If worst comes to worst, do a community college, work your ass off, and transferr to another college.</p>

<p>umass- reach
u vermont- good match
u new hampshire- good match
u rhode island- good match
suffolk- safety
i think rutgers would be a longshot, but definately worth trying and a great idea.</p>

<p>i would say bust ass your senior year, try to get that GPA and those SATs up as much as possible. Write a great essay discussing your change of heart in regards to the importance of your education and try to get some teacher and/or counselor recs saying how hard you've worked to pull yourself together. I also think you can self study for AP tests so maybe try to take one or two extra tests just to show how motivated you are. Also maybe some SAT IIs? It can't hurt to apply, if worst comes to worst and you get rejected across the board, like kylipso said, go to community college bust ass there and then transfer. i was in a similiar predicament after i graduated (3.2 GPA 1190 SATs, just plain average). i'm going the transfer route. if you don't mind my asking, where in MA are you from? i'm in danvers.</p>

<p>well im in longmeadow, ma..its right near springfield but a small rich jewish suburb. Well i visited umass and really liked it i def wanna go there but i wanna major in biology and ive been hearing out of my list Uvm has the best science program?? I def will bust my A$$ to get those scores up and plan on taking the sat2s in math probably, I really never applied myself until i realized college acceptance is soo competitive but most of these schools have high acceptance rates so i have my fingers crossed :)</p>

<p>any other help or schools i can look at....i really dont want to end up going to community college, I want a medium to large school anywhere in the northeast or mid-atalntic, a good science program would also help</p>

<p>thanks Mo</p>

<p>Hmm, you can try Saint Joseph's. Maybe the University of New Jersey would be good. But that's a slightly long shot. It you get your SAT scores up and awesome recommendations from your teachers, you might have a fair chance.</p>

<p>BUMP....need more help</p>

<p>Sometimes you guys make me laugh. Sure, this kid's 2.6 isn't anywhere near your 4.0 plus GPAs, but I don't think you need to freak him out and make him feel like a loser by telling him that "community college is a good route". There are thousands of good schools in this country who would be happy to take this kid (he said he has good ECs and will retake the SAT, and assuming he writes decent essays). </p>

<p>Everyone here needs to keep in mind that most of the people on this board are the best of the best in the country, and a good majority of those people will all be applying to the same 10 or so schools. That really creates a frenzy around here!!!!</p>

<p>Just keep it all in perspective. There are over 3,000 colleges in this country. Relax. Its a fact that around 70% of high school seniors end up at their first choice.</p>

<p>Oh, and I would recommend getting a book that lists colleges and average GPA and SATs admitted, or checking out the Princeton Review website. You'll be happily surprised to see the number of schools that fit your needs.</p>

<p>I'm really gonna stress that transfer is a great option. Not only will it give you time to mature as a student, it will save you money and open your options a bit if you're willing to work hard.</p>

<p>However, do not do it if you are not the self-motivated type.</p>

<p>Community College is most likely your best option, IMO.</p>

<p>Don't go to CC, you have lots of options. Apply to Umass and all the other schools on your list, you never know. I also think Suffolk is an excellent choice, I loved it when I visited. Great kids and a great location, you can't beat Boston. Also look at Merrimack for a safety. Another suggestion would be Umass at Dartmouth. They didn't fill their freshman class this year and I would think would accept more kids next year. Transfer after a succesful year at any of these would be a great possiblity.</p>

<p>I think that you have a good shot at all of your schools. Others have suggested Rutgers and College of New Jersey. I think Rutgers would be a reach and College of New Jersey would be a super reach.</p>

<p>You might also add University of Indiana, Bloomington to your your state school list.</p>

<p>If you could get your GPA up to a 3.0 and your SAT up to 1800+ I don't think Rutgers is a reach at all. But you might have a better chance at like the Newark campus as opposed to New Brunswick. Other schools to consider:</p>

<p>Queens College
Penn State
Pace University
Long Island University</p>

<p>I don't mean to be rude but I don't really know alot about these types of universities, but good luck, and don't let the ridiculousness of this forum get to you.</p>

<p>For Penn State apply very early. I do not kow if Queens College has housing, Pace which someone mentioned is most known for business. They have a campus in NYC, and another one in Westchester for undergraduate, I think. If you look into private schools there is also Adelphi, University of Hartford, Hofstra, but it would also help to know what you might be interested in studying. Might check out Clark University too.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone......i plan on majoring in either biology or neuroscience, I usually write good essays getting an 11/12 on the sats, thanks for the input....any other advice my counsler really doesnt help much and just sits on his fat A$$ all day</p>

<p>actually merimack would be a good getting recrutied to play football at many d2-d3 colleges, and have gotten letters from middlebury, tufts, bowdoin, stonehill....etc. but I doubt i could get into those school with my gpa, even if i am a good athlete</p>

<p>Im also Southeast asian if that helps and muslim</p>