you know you're a nerd when...

<p>you know your a nerd when...</p>

<p>...ur on CC. :-P</p>

<p>ya know your a nerd when </p>

<p>the best comeback you can think of for why you dont have a gf and spend your cash on D&D is (in best nerdy voice possible) "i get more utils per dollar then you!"</p>

<p>(in a geology class) you can say "first i streaked then checked for cleavage" without cracking up.</p>

<p>you actually start humming along to those terrible mole day songs.</p>

<p>you arn't necesserily smart when you are a nerd. I know this junior and he dresses up EVERY DAY, and acts like he's at some seminar or something. i hear he knows some politics, but i have a higher grade than him in trig and i know more about politics and im in 10th.</p>

<p>I make jokes like:
Pi equals 3.1415926544!
people laugh but say behind my back that I'm crazy....:)</p>

<p>you know when you are a nerd when your mother tells you are.
or, you are a smart asian (like me)
when you take 3 languages in a row (like me)
you have a secret desire for learning (like me)
you think about how it would be like being a nerd.</p>

<p>but you are NOT a nerd when..
you are everything above, but people love you for being smart AND hilarious! (like me!)
i guess its the Korean genes that makes me capable of all these
things :D
funny how all my white friend are envious of my race
because colleges LOVE smart asians :D :D :D!</p>

<p>by the way...
what's wrong with being a nerd? </p>

<p>*im sorry if i offended anyone by my comments</p>

<p>Eh? pi = 3.1415926535898... Or is that the joke? :confused: </p>

<p>However, I prefer e because it's so cool. The 1828 repeats, and 4 + 5 = 9.
e = 2.718281828459 :D</p>

<p>You're have nerdy friends if they come up with Greek philosophy "why did the chicken cross the road?" answers. </p>

<p>Zeno: It didn't. Motion is impossible.
Empedocles: Strife forced the chicken across the road.
Homer: It was in pursuit of the hen that launched a thousand chickens.
Socrates: How do you KNOW the chicken crossed the road?
Euthyphro: It was being pious to the gods.
...etc. They're a lot funnier if you understand them. :D</p>

<p>Good one. :) </p>

<p>CC is very nerdy.</p>

<p> can recite Monty Python movies by heart.</p>

<p> make dirty & clean math jokes with your friends.</p>

<p> take the most challenging courses at your high-school, not only because it's a boon for getting into your dream college (which would be some nerdy elitist place), but because you will learn more & be more academically stimulated by these courses than anything else at your probably anti-intellectual high school.</p>

<p>... you spell everything right & type with correct grammar on AOL.</p>

<p>... you go on websites like, & regularly.</p>

<p> speak with advanced vocabulary around your peers.</p>

<p> & your friends spend hours on David Hilbert's math problems (23 extremely tough ones, I don't think some of them have been proven yet.).</p>

<p>...even though you don't need to know the details of glycolysis for the AP Bio exam. You memorize everything to do with the process anyway, so what, your mind can store much more than that anyway!</p>

<p>...your pick up line to a girl or a guy is, "Hey babe/hunk! <em>Fixes glasses</em> Let's talk of meiosis."</p>

<p> play video games nonstop, but would never play sports.</p>

<p> thought of a complex mathematical formula which somehow results in three answers: the numbers of your locker combination.</p>

<p>And finally!</p>

<p> are told that you are a nerd.</p>

<p>This forum is pure genius! :).</p>

<p>And... we're back! Thread=saved.</p>

<p>You know you're a nerd if you dream of having (314)-159-2653 as a phone number.</p>

<p>Or when you save a dollar bill that has 31415926 as a serial number.</p>

<p>whoa have you found one of those?</p>

<p>Unfortunately no. But I'm looking...</p>

<p>Tell me if you ever do find one. I wonder how much they're worth, but I would never sell mine.</p>

<p>31415926........what is this?</p>

<p>lol pi foo</p>

<p>Or 27182818 would also be cool
so would 11557273</p>

<p>You know you're a nerd when you can't dance.</p>

<p>You know you're a nerd when you watch HBO's "Rome" series for the history instead of the smut.</p>

<p>you know you're a nerd when you decide to make a mathematical problem and solve it for 'fun'.</p>

<p>You know you're a nerd when you you look upon your inferiors with contempt and disdain...Wait-that doesn't make me nerdy...just crazy, hehehe...</p>

<p>You know you're a nerd when you're make these comments, and then desperately try to say how you're not a nerd. <em>Cough Cough</em> A few posts above.</p>

<p>you know ur a nerd when you make java jokes on the blackboard</p>

<p>You know you're a nerd when you have a shirt with the structure of caffeine on it.</p>