<p>When you wake up at 7:00, because you have morning classes… That is a lame Saturday.</p>
<p>When you spend the whole day learning calculus (two Saturdays ago),
When you spend the whole day memorizing biology (last Saturday),
Or when you spend the whole day teaching yourself Chinese for the make-up exam. </p>
<p>My Saturdays have been pretty lame lately.</p>
<p>I played Princess Maker 2 for five hours straight today.</p>
<p>I have to do hw for Health to graduate from high school.</p>
<p>when your on cc at 10:52 pm</p>
<p>or 8:15 pm, and watch MIT OCW 18.02 videos at the same time</p>
<p>When the rest (or most) of your grade is at prom and you’re on CC…</p>
<p>Same here, but that doesn’t really mean it’s a lame Saturday</p>
<p>I’m starting my health hw. Second question - Define *****.</p>
<p>when I’m talking to my friend on AIM about that one CC thread about the girl w/o panties</p>
<p>When you’re studying for the SAT II Chemistry which isn’t for a month</p>
<p>When in the back of your head, you have the urge to refresh CC HS Life multiple times within a minute.</p>
<p>NOOOOOOOOOOOOO /b/ is down again</p>
<p>When you drive your 97 GT Mustang convertible to Honolulu to play Go in the morning, come home to continue making my stone-poplar go board in the afternoon, and do homework at night.
Actually, it could have been worse; I just wish I’d made it to the beach.</p>
<p>When you play scrabble for 12 hours straight because you’re just that gangsta</p>
<p>When your friend had more than 60 comments on her FB status, largely because of you.</p>
<p>When you spend 10 hours at lectures at Stanford…</p>
<p>when you blow off your boyfriend to study for two ap exams and go on cc. this was like two saturdays ago or something. but now ap exams are finally over so no more wasted weekends!</p>
<p>Is it not?
For example, when you don’t even leave the house to get the mail and spend the entire day watching crappy sitcom reruns or trashy reality shows, then you probably had a really lame Saturday.</p>
<p>The mail in my neighborhood is placed in a slot next to the front door, so the mail can only be accessed from inside.</p>