You know you've had a lame Saturday when...

<p>you're excited Hastings has a teenage easy read coming of age book for $5.00.</p>

<p>Anyone else have a highly boring weekend?</p>

<p>I played volleyball with friends on a paddle-ball court. Then again, that was Friday.</p>

<p>you spent the whole day studying and wasting time on CC</p>

<p>today, CC, english, econ, und das capitals.</p>

<p>^ Seconded.</p>

<p>When you were studying for APs, and then started looking up how to fill out your future college application on CC.</p>

<p>Your parents aren’t home for the evening, yet you’re still doing homework.</p>

<p>when you’re working on an english paper and dreading going to work tomorrow.</p>

<p>You spent the whole day on CC when you should have been doing hw.</p>

<p>When you actually should have been doing hw.</p>

<p>…when you have spent today (and all of tomorrow as well) studying for your AP Biology exam and trying to memorize all the details, spending time on CC and posting threads about how my life sucks, and looking up about how to write future college apps. hhahaha</p>

<p>I have both AP Physics and Differential Equations tests on Monday. I took AP Music Theory and would have had that test too but decided not to take it.</p>

<p>Studying for Bio wooooo!

<p>I’m say this for today, although this thread says Saturday.</p>

<p>I got home. Worked on the poster board for our presentation with my partner. Then went to the band banquet (at least I got an award this year) then went home and worked more on the project, and I’m now exhausted and still not done with my presentation and this is my first time online all day. (Excluding at school project work.)</p>

<p>Why would you work on a Friday night?</p>

<p>Prom tomorrow!</p>

<p>i got home, went on facebook/aim/CC
took a nap
ate dinner
went on CC, /b/, facebook until now</p>

<p>Because if I don’t actually work through out the weekend I won’t be done in time for the presenation, and the teacher is about to kill me for never being prepared.</p>

<p>I have school tommorow! Yah ya heard me!! They’re calling it graduation practice but really it’s to make up for all the days we missed so the seniors can graduate on time. It’s my worst nightmare turned reality!!</p>

<p>Oh, I pitty you. I’m almost stuck going to Saturday school if I get any more tardies. It’s the most annoying policy at my school. Three and your stuck spending your weekend on campus.</p>

<p>When you haven’t left the house. And haven’t done anything productive.</p>

<p>You say that as though leaving the house and/or doing something productive is normal.</p>