Young Arts 2022-2023

8 AM PST to clarify

Yeah, I’m thinking that the people answering this question are confusing “finalists” with “winners” for which there are 3 levels.

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but someone else also said there were 150 finalists last year and to me 150 in 2-3 days seems crazy… but i have no idea:(

yeah on the phone i specifically asked if finalist notifications were over, not winners overall and the guy said yes twice but i’m not sure. maybe he misheard me or misunderstood

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If there are 144 finalists and somewhere I read it takes 10 minutes per call . so 144 multiplied by 10 is 1440 minutes divided by 60=will take 24 hrs, If they inform from 1-4 PM so it should take them about 6 days to notify all finalists.
Assuming if all information is correct of taking about 10 minutes per call and they call only between 1-4

Okay, so curious how many on this Youngarts thread are seniors or parents of seniors (since youngarts is actually 15-18) and currently applying to colleges? Also, how many plan to be fine arts majors, and where are you applying?

IF only one person is doing all the work.

I like your math :slight_smile: Of course, this also assumes everyone answers the call. But if there are 2-3 of them, it could be 2-3 days. If they only knew how much speculation went into this. Plus, it sounds like everyone is just interested in the finalist level. Thinking once it’s confirmed that all finalists have been notified, the interest will drop considerably. :frowning:


My daughter got her “official” email tonight. Just to share some numbers, it says that the winners represent 11 percent of total applicants, and that there are 150 finalists this year. It didn’t say how many total applicants.

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So we can assume that finalist calls are finished, right? Congrats to your daughter!!


So I am a parent, S is a junior, classical music and probably will not be a fine arts major but maybe at a non BFA program.


My daughter is a finalist in classical music. She received a call on Nov 15. We are in Southern California.


Got reply from YA to my question from November 15th on FB, via messaging:

“Hi there, apologies for the delayed response! Finalist notifications began November 15 and this process will take some time to complete. All winners will then be announced December 6. The timeline is published at Apply to the National Arts Competition | YoungArts Thanks for reaching out!”

Pretty generic, but wanted to share.



Where is everybody? No traffic on the thread

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yeah, its so lonely here!

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It will probably pick up again when they start emailing HM and Merit winners.


Have all finalists been notified?

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there’s no way of knowing for sure, but that seems to be what people are saying. personally, id guess that all or most have been notified, but youngarts is so vague that its impossible to know for sure

Does anybody know of vocal/ dance winners? Applied in two categories

I’ve seen some dance finalists on facebook

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