Young Arts 2022-2023

Did anyone hear anything about visual arts finalists?


someone who says they know someone from youngarts says that there were only seven this year. idk if its confirmed tho

Did anyone else just get an email from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago waiving their application fee for their ā€œparticipationā€ in YoungArts?

Not from Art institute of chicago but got 3 from Manhattan school, Peabody school,Shepherd school of music ( Rice) and Ringling college.

Only Peabody offered to waive my fees for ā€œparticipationā€

Rice was just ā€œdelightedā€
I was delighted to learn of your application to this yearā€™s YoungArts national competition. As you think about the next steps in your artistic development, I invite you to explore the opportunities at Rice Universityā€™s Shepherd School of Music.

I got one today too. Also got a fee waiver and merit scholarship offer from kansas city art institute and an email from cooper union saying they got my name from youngarts

I am aware of a classical voice winner.

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He/she is from which region?

She is in the Ohio area.

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how were those emails worded?

Hey, Iā€™m assuming weā€™re just hoping for merit and hm at this point . . . Based on last yearā€™s thread, I get the sense that merit and hm people got their emails about 24 hours before the official published list (which is Dec 6 this year), not in the weeks leading up to that. Does anyone have actual experience with merit or hm (or know someone who did) to know if that is true? Iā€™m done with waiting for emails/calls that donā€™t come lol, so would be healthy to know a timeframe.


I am also done waiting, this is so not good, we all have been on roller coaster ride for at least a week. congratulations to finalists and best of luck to all of us for merit and honorable mention.


Yes, I was a Merit person last year and I got the email 24 hours before the official list.


Congrats! And that is so helpful, thank you! Data is a good thing.

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The Saic one was worded as brooke_writer described. The cooper union one said ā€œwe recognize you as a serious young artist and that they received my name from Youngartsā€. The Kansas institute one didnā€™t mention youngarts but reached out to me with a fee waiver and ā€œannual merit based scholarship of 17kā€ even though I havenā€™t interacted with them at all. Iā€™d say generally all visual arts applicants got these emails as long as they okā€™ed youngarts to give art colleges their info though since the wording is really generic.


So, after all this time, I donā€™t remember ever hearing about a visual arts (not including photography) finalist. Anybody else? There was probably just a handful, and they are not on this thread. I did see the work of someone who got merit last year, and frankly, her work was so good, far better than the finalists (not to take away from them). But unlike the finalists, she didnā€™t fit into one of the themes they tend to focus on - that is, gender identity, ethnicity, mental health, environmentalism, etc. I think this is how youngarts defines ā€œvoiceā€. Today, Da vinci would likely not be a finalist. :slight_smile: They donā€™t really talk about it on their site, but it seems pretty obvious looking through finalist pics. I guess in a sea of talent, it helps to narrow it down this way. My two cents. good luck, everyone. Either way, Iā€™m sure your art is amazing and the process itself was a good learning experience.


I just got an email from them that said they arenā€™t done contacting finalists


ahh thank you for the info! do you think you could maybe share the wording of the email?


I was a visual arts merit winner last year and I received an email on December 6th