Young Arts 2022-2023

So weird we haven’t seen anything about visual arts. I’ve seen photography and design arts but not visual. If it is only just a handful, I guess it’s likely that none of them posted anything about it.


Where/what did you see about design arts?

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Congrats and thank you! :slight_smile:


I know of two people who are finalists in design arts from a friend. I think its reliable source because she’s in the same class as the finalists.


Does anyone know how HM and merit are notified? Is it an email all at once? On a certain day? Did anyone get HM or merit yet?

Someone above said they received an email about Merit last year on December 6th.


All is quiet…I guess there have been no more notifications since Thanksgiving?


Someone on Reddit said that a dancer finalist was notified this Monday, so not completely over yet.


yeah, and someone on reddit also emailed younarts and they replied that not all finalists have been notified. i rly dont trust youngart’s response tho, since im assuming that most have been contacted. idk. ig we will know all the winners in four days, but that feels like an eternity


What they probably are saying is that not all finalists have been REACHED, ie they are still attempting contact and they won’t say they’re finished until there is confirmation that they all have been spoken to and can attend YoungArts week, which is going to be in person this year, so there are likely more logistical concerns than when it was virtual.


that makes sense!!!

when do you anticipate HM&merit emails will be sent?

ive heard that they are usually sent the day before the list is posted. so, im guessing december 6

Did anyone who applied to music last year and ended up not getting any youngarts recognition also get the emails from Peabody and MSM last year, etc. about applying to their schools? I was just wondering if those emails were sent to all the people who applied or just to ones who got 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.

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all applicants who requested college information get those emails, regardless if they received recognition or not


If everybody got those emails, then what is the criterion that these universities use to send emails? I applied in two categories but received all the emails for only one category.

It is self selection. The schools figure that students would have to be of an extraordinary high level to bother applying. For classical music the amount of time and preparation needed for the videos (and money) would only be done by applicants of the highest level. So everyone who applied got the email.

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so you’re saying that everyone who got an award got the classical music emails?

I think that everyone who applied for classical music got the emails


That’s what I’m assuming - that everyone who applied (even if they didn’t win any category) got those emails. I was looking for some specific confirmation such as a person who definitely applied last year but did not win also got the emails anyway.