YoungArts 2014-2015

<p>@bossasbeech11 Well stated :wink: Hope the results come out soon though!! </p>

<p>@rainshadow56 Same!!! Please let the results come out tomorrow. Even if I don’t become a finalist, I am dying to know who was lucky enough to get the opportunity! :o :)</p>

<p>Do you think that since tomorrow is Election Day they will call us? </p>

<p>OMG! Is there any way thet notify finalist by e-mail?? BC I have an international phone number, since I live in the border of Mexico and go to school in El Paso, Texas. Not that any of that matters but is that going to be a problem!!?? :frowning: I am so frustrated I want to know now!!</p>

<p>@16elir which judge’s twitter are you referring to? i’ve been looking through twitter too and i must’ve missed her/his tweets!</p>

<p>@shadyconcepts‌ it’s @GemaCorredera, a music judge</p>

<p>@16elir‌ She’s the same judge that I was referring to when I stated that she tweeted that #Miami Working the whole day on 2014 @YoungArts adjudication. I love #music and I’m happy to work with the new generation of artists" a few days ago. Hopefully she means the same thing that we interpreted!</p>

<p>Even so, I think that it will take a few days for them to review everything, get organized, before they start call. :-S </p>

<p>Also, I emailed them and they replied that they are still in the adjudication process.</p>

<p>I think the announce date might be about three days later comparing to last year. </p>

<p>Last year’s application submission deadline was [10/16/2013]. This year’s submission deadline was <a href=“I%20think%20they%20postponed%202%20days”>10/19/2014</a>, so judge started working three days later than last year. </p>

<p>Every year, it takes YA about 2-3 weeks from application deadline to call finalist</p>

<p>Hey people! I was a finalist last year in Cinematic Arts. It was really an unbelievable experience that changed my life so I’m hoping for you guys!</p>

<p>But I was notified November 3rd of last year, so expect finalists soon enough. </p>

<p>well done @Adamation‌. that’s so great to hear. yeah…all the finalists were called on Saturday Nov.3rd last year. it was done in one day, it seems…as everyone I’ve talked to or met who was a finalist got the call that one day. HM and M notifications then seemed to come very erratically…so yes, I would think the calls for finalists would be happening NOW as January 4th is the start of Nationals week. </p>

<p>@Adamation That is fantastic! If you don’t mind me asking, what was YoungArts Week like? I mean, how was it–working with a professional and stuff?</p>

<p>It’s tough to accurately describe it. The first day was pretty awkward since nobody knows anyone, and then the last day you’re crying at the fact it’ll be a while until you see other finalists again. (Actually, I just saw a bunch of my finalist friends at a film festival last week, which was so amazing) But anyway, you work with professionals on making a movie and you all have to collaborate. </p>

<p>We would work from early in the morning until late afternoon. We would have breakfast lunch and dinner and the awesome hotel, which was super! And then at night we’d go to the performances of every discipline, and watch our jaws drop at that kid who you never think would be able to sing that good haha. Overall, amazing. </p>

<p>I just made an advertisement for the association on why you should apply, if you want to hear more about why it’s great
<a href=“Why Apply | The Fight of the Disciplines - YouTube”>Why Apply | The Fight of the Disciplines - YouTube;

<p>That sounds so unbelievably amazing</p>

<p>Going to work extra hard on my app next year…that sounds incredible, wow. (’:</p>

<p>ughhhh thats sounds so amazing. now i rly rly RLY hope im a finalist (which is 99.9% not gonna happen :confused: )</p>

<p>Question: if I hypothetically get recognized as a finalist this year, but cannot attend YoungArts week this year, could I reapply next year?</p>

<p>@OverInfinity‌, yes. you can reapply if you did not attend or received HM or M awards. </p>

<p>@coloraturakid‌ Thank you for clarifying!</p>

<p>my pleasure. i know it’s on their website FAQ page. wishing you loads of success! </p>