I don’t see a thread for the new Temple University class of 2027 so I’ll start one.
My son has been accepted and was just awarded a Dean’s Scholarship for $10,000 a year. We are in-state (actually in-city). I work at Drexel and just received notice that Drexel approved my Tuition Exchange application and I received a notice from Tuition Exchange that my app had been entered for Temple. When we got the notice of a Merit award was hoping it was TE. Now I wonder if the Dean’s Scholarship will put us out of the running for TE.
Has anyone here ever known of Temple awarding merit and then changing it once a TE app was approved?
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I was just thinking it would be good if there were a thread for temple! Congrats on your son’s admission. I don’t have an answer, but I do have a question. My daughter was also admitted, and yesterday received an email that she is being offered a merit scholarship, and that she should log into the portal for details. But there is nothing in her portal about financial aid. The financial aid tab doesn’t even show next academic year as an option, and the “Financial Aid Package” link results in an error. Where were you able to see his award details? Just trying to make sure I am looking in the right place before we contact them.
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On the Welcome page under the ‘Next Steps’ Section the top item is ‘You have been awarded a merit scholarship! Click here to view’
Takes you to a page with your admission letter and scholarship letter that you can download/open.
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That’s where I thought it would be and it wasn’t. So I called, and the rep said they aren’t sending those out yet (?) but she would try to look it up. Put me on hold, came back and told me aid letters won’t be released until later, but while I was on hold, it popped up in the portal. Go figure!
Great! I believe that Temple uses Elluican Banner for their Administrative System so I’m going to blame buggy software 
My DS just received his Honors Program and Merit notification today in the Temple Portal. He applied to college of engineering EA about 11/1 and received his original acceptance a couple of weeks ago. We’re OOS.
Looks like my S23 also got a Honors Program notification. We also got an email today stating they received the Tuition Exchange application and will start awarding TE in February. I’m not counting on that since we are instate but who knows.
Thanks for starting this thread!
How long is it taking for Temple to respond to applications? Son applied in mid-November with solid stats so I know we need to be patient.
My S23 took less than a week but his HS is located about 6 blocks from Temple and is well known to the Admission staff so it’s probably a special case.
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Thank you!! So in some cases they are lightening fast!! Congrats to your kid!
How did you guys hear about the honors program?
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Since your son applied after the EA deadline, he’s in the “rolling admissions” bucket of applicants, so it may be a bit longer that the early applicants. My 2017 HS grad was in this boat – applied just after Nov 1, but didn’t hear back until late December. That’s a long time ago now but probably still a good data point.
For my son who applied early action just before the 11/1 deadline, he got his initial acceptance about 2-3 weeks later, then on 12/1 he was notified via the Temple Portal that he had a merit scholarship and honors offer letter. I think he also got an email, but it was in the portal before he received the email.
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Okay, because I applied beginning of Oct and heard back a week later. About a month ago I got the merit award letter. Do you know the requirements for honors program?
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Temple Honors used to have a FAQ page on their website that listed typical stats of students accepted into Honors, but it’s not there anymore. Sorry I can’t tell you more. The people in Temple Honors office are very friendly (older D is a current junior there) – maybe send them an email expressing interest. There’s lots of great benefits to Temple Honors – dedicated honors housing and priority registration are the big ones.
Hey yall, i applied by nov.1 and completed my application by 14 nov, i still am to receive any update on my application it just shows complete and ready for review whereas i have received all my other answers and now im just waiting on temple. any idea why this may be
Hi @Nightshademando – When you say “completed my application by 14 nov” has me wondering if you applied “Early Action (EA)” or “Regular Decision (RD)”? That definitely impacts when you’ll get a response.
Temple’s website here indicates when to expect responses based on application type. https://admissions.temple.edu/apply/first-year-students
In summary, it says EA applications should all be decided by Jan 10 (although it seems like most people get responses much faster than that), and RD applications can take up to 8 weeks.
hey @stencils i have stated ea on my app and mainly since i applied ea, seeing that people are receiving letters i got a bit confused however my common app shows that the application was downloaded on 2 nov by the college.
maybe since im an international student it maybe delayed?
We just heard about the honors program and merit at the same time. Email came Saturday Dec 17, was in the portal today. Applied Nov 1