1st semester grade of D; freaking out!

I’m currently a junior in high school and I just basically failed my first semester Precalc final, which dropped my grade in the class from a 75% to a 67%. The class is an IB (International Baccalaureate) class, which I’m unsure if it’s equivalent to AP or Honors but I know it’s advanced. I’m devastated and really need to know how to fix this because I HAVE to attend a (distinguishable) UC. I’ve never repeated a court before or taken remedial anything so I’m kinda new to this… Please help!!!

can you move down to a regular class? it may wipe out the existing grade. S2 did that.

I believe the only Precalculus class my school offers is of IB level, nothing below. Unless you mean transfer to a diff subject math class, which can I do in the middle of the year?

@HRSMom I believe the only Precalculus class my school offers is of IB level, nothing below. Unless you mean transfer to a diff subject math class, which can I do in the middle of the year?

go see your guidance counsellor. you were placed into too advanced a class!

@HRSMom Ok, will do! Might not work though because this is actually the class I requested to be placed in this year. Guess I just didn’t realized it’d be such a change in difficulty. But thanks!

See what they can do. They dont want to see you fail.