2006 RD Admissions Notification

<p>1tcm, do you have any more info on the cox science center remodeling? i'm very interested! what changes will be made? when will it be finished?</p>

<p>To be honest I can't tell you specifics, and haven't been able to find any info on um's website. I can however, tell you what my son said...and that's: "They just started remodeling Cox. They are remodeling everything, even down to the labs. Heck we're even getting more power! It's a pain though with all the construction, espesially when I have 5 classes in that building."</p>

<p>Apparently, in order to put some of the new high tech scientific stuff in they even were having to up the power requirements for the building. As for when it will be finished...again...no clue. </p>

<p>UM is in the midst of a building extravaganza! The following link will take you to a print news story about all of UM's growth.
<a href="http://www.miami.edu/veritas/january2005/fp/fpstory2.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.miami.edu/veritas/january2005/fp/fpstory2.html&lt;/a> If you read the article which is pretty much happening in chronological order of the story you can see also about where the University is as far as what they have and haven't done. The new architecture building just opened....next opening (just as the story lists) is University Village. They are taking reservations and deposits on these now for fall opening. The Clinical research building at the Med campus is nearing completion. So I'd say that the Cox remodel will be getting in full swing before long. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Aspariguy-Here are links to the Bio and Chem Dept websites. Hope they help.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.bio.miami.edu/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.bio.miami.edu/&lt;/a>
<a href="http://www.as.miami.edu/chemistry/default.htm%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.as.miami.edu/chemistry/default.htm&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>What other schools are you considering?</p>

<p>Hey m3s.... Does your son use those webpages? I ask mine and he was like, "Webpages? The bio dept. has webpages?" So I showed him and he was telling me about something the UM has called "Blackboard." Apparently its a subsystem of myUM. On this "Blackboard" almost 90% of the professors post their lecture notes, give their syllabus, special instructions, etc. Son says this is so helpful.</p>

<p>"Webpages, what webpages?" LOL He does use Blackboard, but is clueless to the others. As a matter of fact, he was named the Hecht Featured Resident and had his picture and a short interview posted on the Hecht website. When I asked how long it would be up there, he said he didn't even know they had a website or featured resident until they notified him he had been chosen! He was "featured" for a month. This is also the kid who once called me from the middle of campus to ask how to get to the study abroad office in Allen Hall. He literally wanted directions. I just shake my head and chuckle.</p>

<p>LOL....I know! Mine one time called me...I ask what he was doing...he was doing multivariable calculus...The reason he called...he was having trouble balancing his checkbook too. Couldn't find $1.00....LOL </p>

<p>Aspariguy.... He just called, and I ask him point blank to give me info on Cox. He tells me: Total dollars to be spent on Cox; between 20 and 30 Million. The first floor: Two large lecture halls. One seating over 200. One smaller with seating for approx. 75-80. These have brand new seating. Theater style. Touch screen computers and inter-active infra-red. (i.e. He said sometimes the professors will give pop quizes and ask questions this way. You hold the button, professor asks a question and you answer through this button.) Every seat in these are now powered, so you can bring your computers, plug in and be interactive with the professors computer. He said both of these are very impressive now. Also on the 1st floor are two brand new bio labs; and 2 older labs which are yet to be remodeled, as well as the research offices. </p>

<p>Basement: Offices and a few older labs - yet to be remodeled.</p>

<p>2nd floor: Main Bio and Microbio offices</p>

<p>3rd floor: Chemistry Labs which have yet to be redone. He started telling me the same thing that My-3-sons said. That Friday is the worst day to visit the Chem Dept. And that a good portion of the professors for the Chem department do NOT have their offices in that building anyway. There is a Chemistry Annex building (brand new) over in the Physics Quad. This is where you will find all the Orgo professors, etc. </p>

<p>He also did tell me...that all remodeling takes place during the summer. Yes...UM is building all the time, but due to the student body getting larger each year, they can't shut down Cox to just do the remodel. Therefore, they are doing it piece by piece during summer. He expects it to take 4 to 5 years to complete the whole process. They are doing this with the dorms now as well. I know that they remodeled the lobby of Hecht and it looks like the lobby of a 5 star hotel now, whereas Standford still looks quite institutional. But....Standford is going to be done this summer. </p>

<p>He said...one of the nicest new buildings is the new Filipse Psychology building. Very impressive. And he mentioned that within a few years they are going to be building a new UC. Completely tearing the old one down, and putting up a completely modern state-of-the art building.</p>

<p>Hope that helps you!</p>

<p>We saw the architect's renderings for the new UC when we were down in Oct. and it is going to be GORGEOUS. Too bad it is still a few years off. There will be a much needed, very impressive Welcome Center at the end of Stanford Drive.</p>

<p>The $1.25 billion Momentum Campaign has provided the funds for UM to improve all aspects of an already great school.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.miami.edu/campaign/newsupdate/news_momentum_surpasses_update.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.miami.edu/campaign/newsupdate/news_momentum_surpasses_update.html&lt;/a>
<a href="http://www.miami.edu/campaign/overview/at_a_glance.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.miami.edu/campaign/overview/at_a_glance.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I got in.
Applied Feb. 2nd.
Just got the letter today.
So now its between UF, UMIAMI, NYU. CORNELL, DUKE.</p>

<p>m3s and 1tcm - thanks for the awesome info. i guess i was just unlucky to have visited on a friday... but hopefully i'll be able to visit the campus again sometime soon. it's just a 3.5 hr cruise down the street (from orlando on I-95).</p>

<p>to answer your question, what other schools i'm considering, i'm not exactly sure. i'm visiting 6 schools next week - duke, unc, uva, jhu, georgetown, uchicago - but the main one that i'm interested in is chicago. UM is definitely a very happening place, and i think their future looks very promising. with all the support they have, i think they'll be attracting more talent and definitely going up in the "ranks." to be part of such a growing institution would be very special, and i feel i have a lot to offer. but by the same token, i'm thinking i'd like to attend a more challenging school. that being said, for me, UM is - just like for so many other acceptees on this thread - a safety school. but as the adage goes, "always love your safeties!" and i wouldn't mind a bit being a hurricane.</p>

<p>other than the schools i'll be visiting over spring break, i hope to visit wustl and a few california schools. my sister goes to santa clara and loves it there, so i'll be looking at pomona, stanford, caltech after she graduates in june. basically what i'm looking for is a medium sized (~5000) school near or in a urban area (like UM) that has strong sciences. i dont necessarily want to become a doctor, but i love science and do math in my free time. well, sometimes : )</p>

<p>thanks again for all the info!! i would never had known this without your generous, detailed replies.</p>

<p>and one other thing - what does your son think about the people who go there? i'm borderline intellectual outcast at a prep school... but definitely know how to have fun - and procrastinate. how does your son like the women who go there? (i've heard many good things about that) thanks!</p>

<p>jokr95, did you get any scholarship money?</p>

<p>Am i the only one who has not heard yet? i applied on 12/31
my stats are: 3.8
1330 (2030)
many many EC-- capt tennis, editor school newspaper. spearheaded katrina relief fund etc.
good recs. good essay
i am a florida resident but I live in japan and go to an American school
have lots of overseas cross cultural exp.
white, male</p>

<p>I want to major in film /comunications, does any one know anything about that rogram there.</p>

<p>what do you think my chance are.</p>

<p>aspariguy.... He loves the people there. He was making friends from the first moment we walked on campus, and from what he tells me, much better friends than high school. He does say there are some people of course, that he has nothing in common with, but he thinks everybody can find their niche' at UM. He wasn't an outcast in high school, but he was far from the "big man on campus" either. </p>

<p>As far as girls...LOLOLOL.... I hesitate to write this...but his favorite saying about the women down there......"UM....where even the ugly girls are ABOVE average." </p>

<p>I hope one of the kids here can answer ndd's question, because admissions standards keep changing so rapidly that I'm quite clueless anymore about chances......</p>

<p>i haven't heard anything either and i applied in december</p>

<p>Hi I called them and they said they are still working on applications, actually they said my application was sitting on an admissions counselors desk (gulp). they were very nice over the phone and helpful, making sure everything was in order.
if you dont mind. what are your stats? is UM your first choice, where else are you thinking of going. i want to go into comunications, does nayone know how that progrm is. thanks.</p>

<p>Random things that came to mind when I read the following lines...</p>

<p>"Apparently its a subsystem of myUM. On this "Blackboard" almost 90% of the professors post their lecture notes, give their syllabus, special instructions, etc. Son says this is so helpful."</p>

<li>While Blackboard does exist (<a href="http://courses.miami.edu)%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://courses.miami.edu)&lt;/a>, most professor's (that I've had at least) don't use it. In my two semesters here, only 1 used it to it's full capabilities (viewing grades, posting daily notes, etc). In English we use it to upload homework so that other students in the class can download it, print it, and then edit/revise it. My ECO302 prof. posts the course outline, HW, and 3 'pre-eco302' review sheets. I've never had a professor put their lecture notes up on there though. So, basically, with the exception of my BSL212 prof., the website is pretty much useless simply because the best features (viewing grades and lecture notes) are the ones that are used less.</li>

<p>"LOL....I know! Mine one time called me...I ask what he was doing...he was doing multivariable calculus...The reason he called...he was having trouble balancing his checkbook too. Couldn't find $1.00....LOL"</p>

<li>Well, I'm in MTH112 (two courses before multi. vari.) and it's a breeze, but boy was I lost when I had to deposit a check at the bank. I've never had to deposit a check before and I didn't want the lady to think I was dumb because I didn't know how to deposit a check. Meh. I bet you she wouldn't be able to do integration by parts so whatever.</li>

<p>"i'm thinking i'd like to attend a more challenging school. "</p>

<li>This school is def. what you make of it. I personally feel that my calculus class is going at a ridiculously slow pace, so I went to the prof. during his office hours and now we spend around 45-60 min twice a week going over more advanced stuff so that I won’t get ‘bored’. I know that’s probably not exactly what you meant, but what I’m trying to tell you is that the challenge is definitely there (the biggest one of mine is actually walking to class. Stanford and hecht are just so far from the classrooms, unless you’re a music student), you just have to set it yourself. Most kids do what is required and that’s that. If you want to give yourself a challenge, you’re more than welcomed to.</li>

<p>"and one other thing - what does your son think about the people who go there? i'm borderline intellectual outcast at a prep school... but definitely know how to have fun - and procrastinate. how does your son like the women who go there? (i've heard many good things about that) thanks!"</p>

<li>The people come from EVERYWHERE!?!!@#(!@<em>#S lol. seriously though, I love the fact that I meet a lot of people from say England or South Africa. Of course, they come from all over the US but I like accents. There are all kinds of people here, just gotta know where to find them. You'll find people that just *love</em> talking about theoretical physics over lunch, there just wont' be many of them. In the end though, I think that's best because it helps you become more of an all-around kinda guy. The women... :D.</li>

<p>ndd, when did u apply?</p>

<p>12-31-06 RD
why do you ask?</p>

<p>i jus wanted to know were they sending all RD's out now but mines was at the last minute so i'll probably get my rejection on April 15th like they said</p>

<p>i sent it on the last day as well and got a reply already (since last week). mine was an international application so i don't know if they do international applications first or what because it's pretty fast.</p>

<p>I got in!
710 Math 600 Verbal 640 Writing
3.2 weighted GPA
Decent Recs
Good ECs
There's hope for us high school slackers!</p>

I didn't expect the RD decision coming this early.
GPA 4.1
SAT 19**
But I won't attend UMIAMI.</p>