2008 Fall Admission Decisions

<p>rejected. :( not too happy but it's ok it was a big reach anyway, maybe I'll apply as a transfer.</p>

<p>Stats were not great- 85.5/100 gpa and 28 on the ACT</p>

<p>Okay so I was offered a place on the waitlist, but I'm not sure if I'll take it. </p>

<p>My stats are 3.7W GPA and 24 ACT, so I would probably be the last one to get in. And I won't find out until June 15th, and I would already have to go to orientation for one of my other options (most likely Indiana University). Also they said limited financial aid would be available so it would for sure be a no go.</p>

<p>Oh well...I might still check yes just to see if I could get in, but I'm 100% sure I won't be going.</p>

<p>My S was waitlisted for school of engineering....</p>

<p>Fortunately he's already accepted to 5 other schools and doesn't care much....but congrats to those accepted!</p>

<p>Bunny you have decent stats!! I don't know why theyt rejected you. Blah. All I can say is things happen for a reason even if they don't seem apparent at the time.</p>

<p>This is to neuromom, either ( and i dont meant to be rude if this is not true) you are a troll who made up those stats. Or that is absolutely insane. A 1550 getting rejected! I would highly recomend taking a trip down there, and explaining his passion of learning, and urging them too look past his GPA, that he actually did achieve success in the only place it matters, his brain.</p>

<p>Over the years it has become such a cliche that Colleges put too much weight on test scores, that i think the opposite is beginning to happen. They are looking right through the actual mirror of progress, the Sat, Act. To such pointless grades that are only established to encourage learning. They are looking past what the grades are intended to accomplish right to the pointless meanings they have in school.</p>

<p>Again I think if you visit the school and speak with the admissions officer he should be fine.</p>

<p>BTW what is he planning on Majoring in?</p>

<p>Waitlisted. 3.3 GPA, 1140 SAT-- no surprise!</p>

<p>I don't get it tho...I knew people who got in last year with like a 1090 and a 3.2 UW gpa...weird. Maybe it's getting really hard this year ha :-&lt;/p>

<p>Hey I don't mean to be sneaky haha but I was browsing your stats profile and it said you have an 1190--that's higher than me and I got in last year. THat's weird they waitlisted ya.</p>

<p>lol thanks jeremy, i don't know i think the process is just really random at times and you can't take it too personally. :)</p>

<p>Ugh yeah it's kind of nervewracking X_X. And today they release the school of musci decisions, where I auditioned. SO i'm nervous as crap!!</p>

<p>I received my admissions packet today (I already knew I was in though). No scholarship, which I can't really say surprises me, but kind of sucks.</p>

<p>Congrats but apparently it's a SUPER competitive year to get in so getting in I guess is a privilege in and of itself lol!</p>

<p>Achilles, I swear those stats are true. He is brilliant but did no work in high school. He couldn't be bothered with the busywork homework or studying for tests, although clearly he learned all he needed to know. Its pretty unbelievabnle that he couldn't get into a school like Miami. He doesn't know what he wants to major in yet. I think schools are worried that he is an underachiever.</p>


<p>I'm sorry to hear about your S decision. However, I am not surprised one bit. Acceptance at many top universities require more than stellar college board scores. UM applicants are usually at the top 10th-20th percentile of their graduating classes and have GPA's of 3.5-4.0 UW and 4.0-5.0/6.0+ W, depending on the high school's grading scale. Also, colleges know that SAT scores are not the best measurement for someone's future achievements in college. That's why they like a well-rounded student who has the grades and shows interest and mastery in a few select extracurriculars. It's unfortunate that your son was lazy in high school, because it is apparent that he definitely has the aptitude and intelligence there. My suggestion for him is to attend another school for two years and then transfer to Miami.Or, maybe he will want to reach higher and try and get into one of the ivy leagues schools and that is definitely in the cards for your son.</p>

<p>Woo! Well said, except for the word lazy I think that's a bit harsh lol. However truthful it is, still harsh.</p>

<p>i got in!but i really need scholarships to go ......sigh</p>

<p>I got in this year w/Dean's Scholarship with a 2.6 GPA, so don't worry.</p>


<p>I got wait listed with a 3.55 UW GPA and a 27 ACT (28 superscored... I dont know if they do that) with a ton of ECs, sports, and volunteer work.</p>

<p>Is that normal?</p>

<p>if i havent gotten an online notification yet should i assume a rejection/wait list?</p>

<p>Marty are you OOS? Remember they take less out of state than In.</p>

<p>btm, my advice is to call admissions tomorrow, but if it says they are still reviewing I would think they just haven't gotten to you. It takes ahile t go through 20K applicants</p>