2008 Fall Admission Decisions

<p>Scholarship shows up in the packet. It's a cream colored paper with the amount and source. Looks like a recognition paper</p>

<p>jeremy, did you hear anything yet?</p>

<p>Nope :(. I'm guessing I got rejected or ... maybe it really DOES take longer for them to assess transfer students. Lol. Either way I'm freaking out. BLah. Cuz my sats are at the lower range so I'm thinking that might inhibit me (I have less than 30 credits so they HAVE to look at it.) Blah.
How's your college journey/waiting going bunny lol?</p>

<p>I was wait listed.<br>
Female, 17 years old
Scottsdale, AZ
Stats: 4.0 GPA overall (this year 4.75!)
IB and AP's
Top 15%
1890 SAT (630's in all)</p>

<p>Student Government Student Body President of a top AZ school with 3000 students: Plans class agendas including student bonding, leadership lessons, class discussions, as well as organizing committees to plan events working hand and hand with the advisor. I won't even list the activities we are responsible for since it would take an hour to read! LOL</p>

<p>School Organizations: </p>

<p>Site Council Board Member- Meet with parents, teachers, and administrators to discuss current events at school and delegate money to different organizations under a Tax Credit Fund. </p>

<p>Invisible Children Club Member- Raise money for Gulu High School in Northern Uganda</p>

<p>Young Environmentalists Vice President- Raise awareness about global warming</p>

<p>National Honor Society Member- Community service events, maintain a 3.5 GPA</p>

<p>Community Service:</p>

<p>The Taylor Fund - Raises money to send several underprivileged children to Phoenix Suns Basketball Camp through donations and an annual golf tournament</p>

<p>United Blood Services – I coordinate and follow through to see that all objectives are met 4 times a year. This is done on school grounds.</p>

<p>Walk for Uganda – Lead the organization and recruit volunteers to walk and assist the day of the event</p>

<p>Students Supporting Brain Tumor Research (SSBTR) Recruit volunteers to attend. </p>

<p>Wellesley’s Walk - Plan annual walk to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. </p>

<p>National Honor Society- Various duties and volunteer activities throughout the community. </p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities:</p>

<p>Acting and film classes with Peter Steltzer and Marla Finn
Have acted in two movies released in theaters (Arizona Summer and Forget About It.) SAG.
Have acted in several commercials and have modeled since the age of 3. </p>


<p>Girly Girlz party Host.
Ben and Jerry’s employee </p>

<p>My essay kicked it and my rec's were outstanding. I got into every other college I applied to, all but two with scholarships. Miami didn't even look at me. First I was deferred now wait listed. I didn't need any financial help. </p>

<p>Forget it, I'll go to NYU or something instead. I had applied to the communications department for Broadcasting. I'm bummed, but a little miffed. </p>

<p>Whatever. For those of you who did not get in, dont worry about it, success is not measured by which university you went to , it's how determined you are to make it. Keep that in mind! =)</p>

<p>azsummer you should NOT have been waitlisted!!!!! That is a phenomenal gpa!!!!!!! (I mean what was your uw j/w?) And your sats are not bad. I have lower. Yeah. I definitely did not get in if you didn't. Ugh. I want to go cry now :(</p>

<p>Jeremy, I also applied to USC & Cornell. I haven't heard back from either yet, but assuming I get no scholarship to UMiami (which seems likely), I would choose either USC or Cornell if accepted.</p>

<p>Jeremy, my GPA is unweighted. From what I have heard, most of the students who were out of state that were accepted had SAT scores into the high 700's. I do not know about transfer studetns though. Good luck, you seem to really want this. Where do you live?</p>

<p>And I only had 1 AP, but higher SAT scores, and got a Dean's scholarship. Yet, azsummer didn't get admitted with better stats. This is a sad day......</p>

<p>Being in state or out of state wouldn't make a difference at Miami because it is a private school.</p>

<p>True. One unfortunate thing about private U's is that they can make and break whatever rules they want. Which would probably explain why I got scholarships in the public schools I applied to.<br>
I think this year Miamiwent BIG on the super high SAT's and much less on the extra C's and Rec's. Opinions anyone? <em>smile</em>
Congrats dvm258 on getting in. I'm jealous. =)</p>

<p>Hey azsummer! Lol.
I'm from Pittsburgh , PA. Lol. Yeah...um...I don't have any sat scores in the 700s haha that..blows..but you know what maybe they'll like my recs or something...and even if i get in academically i STILL have to hear from frost school of music which is like getting admitted all over again...it's horible waiting lol.</p>

<p>Jeremy - I USED TO LIVE IN VENETIA! (It's in Washington County)</p>

<p>OMG!!!!! I know Venetia!!! Haha. I live in Murrysville...do you know where that is? And my dad used to live in Tempe and Tucson...small world eh? hahaha.</p>

<p>Did you like Pittsburgh? I would so much prefer arizona's climate to this lol.</p>

<p>i didn't get any decision yet...what does that mean?</p>

<p>I didn't either :(. IT may mean nothing haha! Who knows. Time will tell I'm just goin crazy waiting!!</p>

<p>Yeah, I did have a 32 ACT (it is better than my SAT) but I also had a major legacy, so those two helped me a lot in the admissions process. But I don't think legacies count towards scholarships.........</p>


<p>Just by curiousity what other colleges did you get into? Wow! A 4.0 UW GPA and still top 15%, must be a heck of a competitive school and the highest GPA must be an 8.0 or something. You said NYU, right????!!!! That's suprising. I thought NYU required higher SATs. And yes, Miami does not really look at the Writing section, so in their eyes you only got a 1260 and that is right below the cutoff for this years admitted applicants. </p>

<p>I had a biunch of friends apply and was surprised to hearthe results but not completely surprised.</p>

<p>Applicant 1: 3.5ish GPA W and 1280 SAT; one of the most competitive private schools in NYC (Dwight) ACCEPTED
Applicant 2: 1350 SAT, 3.75 GPA UW, competitie public school in NJ, top 15%; ACCEPTED
Applicant 3: 3.75 UW GPA, 1250 SAT, top public school in Nassau County, NY (LONG ISLAND); WAITLISTED
Applicant 4: 3.5 GPA W, 1150 SATs; DENIED</p>

<p>From the results, I can conclude that the mean GPA range was a 3.5-4.0+ W depending on the school and rigor of courseload. And a mean SAT score of 1300-1480 (CR/M).</p>

<p>Hope this helps!</p>

<p>To be honest, I do not think I would get accepted to NYU without the tremendous alumni connections I have, but I did not like NYU because of the big city feel with no campus. But, it all depends on the applicant and there top factors.</p>

<p>Best of luck! If Miami is what you want, transfer is pretty easy. Go to a solid school and get a GPA of 3.3-3.5+ and your SAT scores are disregarded and you should definitely get accepted.</p>

<p>eh, its going alright got waitlisted at a few places though....what other schools did you apply to besides miami jeremy?</p>

<p>Heya Bunny,</p>

<p>I applied to Loyola in new orleans (i'm in and all that.) And one school in ohio i'm 99% sure you never heard of (Extreme safety haa/backup.) OTterbein. And yourself?!</p>

<p>BruinsJews, you got my PM right?</p>

<p>yep! responded.</p>