2008 Fall Admission Decisions

<p>I got my acceptance letter a couple of weeks ago with the trustees scholarship.
my stats are: 3.4 gpa uw, 5.2 gpa weighted
IB program
31 ACT
my ec's are okay, and my teachers love me so I'm assuming they gave me great recs.</p>

<p>I also live in miami already and supposedly they have pereference over us or something. I also go to a nationaly known school where almost all of the IB kids here who apply get into UM soo yeah.</p>

<p>congrats to those who got in! maybe we'll see each other next year if I decide to stay in miami.</p>

<p>Um! I have a quick question to everybody...
I was bored at like 2 in the morning (aka now) and I had nothing else to do. I didn't check myum ALL day yesterday so I checked it now...There is only one thing that is different about it...</p>

<p>It has an alias email up fo rme. is this a sign!?!?!?!?
Haha. Like...does everyone get that even rejected people? I was just noticing that and I was like omg I wonder what that means!!</p>

<p>^^no i didn't get that when i was rejected, so i think you're still good. Umm I got into Loyola in MD and James Madison so far...waitlisted at ELon, Quinnipiac, Marist. Ah well. Lucky you for getting into Loyola, i wish i was in New Orleans haha.</p>

<p>Keeping my fingers crossed for you! If anyone deserves to get into Miami, it is definately YOU! The school would be nuts to bypass someone who obviously wants to attend so badly and seems to be a pretty good student to boot!
Jeremy, I am praying that you get in, I've been saying prayers to g-d for weeks for you. I think g-d owes me one and he will see you through to admissions! GO JEREMY!!!!!!! The email name thing has me intrigued. Have my fingers and toes crossed for you! <em>smile</em></p>


<p>Wow! I thank you for your support :). I called them today and they wouldn't tell me I was ilke pleaseeeee for the mercy of heaven!!! lol.<br>
But then again you were a good student too so I don't think you should've been bipassed lol. </p>

<p>I will let you and the others know whenever I find out...that is, IF I ever find out at this rate!</p>

<p>Thanks Jeremy. I think compared to the kids that have posted on CC, I was not as strong. My SAT's weren't as high as others and I've read what some of these other kids have accomplished, and quite frankly, I'm proud to have even been considered since these are some VERY strong applicants!
It stinks I didn't get in, but that's OK, because in all honesty, "wow" everyone here on this forum are extraordinarily strong students!<br>
<em>sigh</em> I'll have to take my great big bad attitude and bring it elsewhere. LOL (I'm just kidding people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Oh Jeremy, I DO hope you get in. Sitting here wishing you do!</p>

<p>From seeing acceptances at school and here on CC, it looks like early action and decision was definitely the time to apply if you wanted a scholarship. Someone like bitesizeemma would have gotten at least the Dean's scholarship, and maybe the university scholarship in the early rounds.</p>

<p>Like I said before, I only have 1 AP class, barely a 4.0 W, but a high ACT score and got a Dean's scholarship. I hope some 2009 applicants are reading this, because scholarships can be important at Miami.</p>

<p>yeah i totally agree. UM gives most of their scholarships to the early action/decision applicants that are accepted. all of my friends who applied did early action, but i didn't because i applied to stanford which had restrictive early action. i ended up getting rejected from stanford but that's okay cause it was a total reach and i just wanted to try it loll. but for those of you that are planning on applying next year you should definitely do early action because you have a better chance of getting in and getting more money and there's also less competition than with regular decision.</p>

<p>If I got all my materials in about a week before the regular decision deadline, when should I expect to hear back from UM?</p>

<p>By the middle of April</p>

<p>YES!!!!!!!!!! I GOT IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG...crap i just stubbed my pinky toe.</p>

<p>YES! Sorry I'm so happy right now I just opened my laptop and pushed refresh on myum and ... no popup, but it said pay enrollment deposit. I wnated a popup if I got in but hey I'm happy!</p>

<p>All I have to do i s hear back from Frost.</p>

<p>3.8gpa/Tulane. That's I guess how I did it.</p>

<p>AH! I'm going to party now.</p>

<p>Good luck tro everyone else!!! If I don't get into Frost I'll be sad but I gott await.</p>

<p>Praise G-d! Congratulations Jeremy! </p>

<p>Oh wow! That's the best news I've heard all week!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>Yay for Jeremy!</p>

<p>:). That just goes to show you can too have under a 1200 and get admitted lol.</p>

<p>Jeremy-Congratulations, I'm very happy for you!</p>

<p>Jeremy, Congratulations! I don't think you would have gotten the UM acceptance without a Frost acceptance first. And you got in as a transfer. You cannot get in as a freshman this year with a low SAT unless you have a 4.0+ and high class rank to outweigh it. Average SAT for admittees this year is 1310 according to the admissions counselor I spoke to this morning (my D was rejected academically with a 3.6+ unweighted GPA but low SATs after being accepted by Frost). </p>

<p>After 30 college credits the SATs are not considered any more, as they are supposed to "predict performance freshman year." I would think working hard in high school and getting good grades despite low test scores would be a more accurate predictor but tests seem to be taken pretty seriously down there. Lots of applicants so it's a good year to bump up their stats...</p>

<p>congrats jeremy!! ive been lingering on this board to see if you got in! :)</p>

<p>ughhhh a 1230 sat........and a 27 act.......sux.....applied to frost also....and i had my best audition for um.....but academics.......geez i want to sing......i'm good at it......y do i need to know math too</p>

<p>Congrats Jeremy</p>

<p>Congrats to all of you who got in!! And to those who did not: life still goes on, I am sure everyone will find the right college.
I am really nervous reading your stats, because my test scores are kinda low but I'll retake them in the summer. I'll probably apply for UM early action (was that the not binding one?!) this year. Ahhhh senior year seems so close.. =/</p>

<p>Yes, EA is the not-binding one...</p>

<p>I got in as a Biology major, though I'm not sure if I should go to UM or GaTech...
Anyone care to try to convince me into UM? :D</p>