2008 Fall Admission Decisions

<p>Has anyone who applied Regular Decision hear yet. If not, when do decisions come out?</p>

<p>They already came out.</p>

<p>actually, im still waitnig, they messed up my app, thiought I was a BFA major and not a BA, so my decision is being reviewed rioght now as we speak.</p>

<p>i havent heard back yet for reg decision</p>


<p>I believe that some of these people are oblivious to what RD is. So far, I only think that Early Action and Early Decision applicants heard.</p>

<p>Um.. I'm well aware of what regular decision is, and I applied as a regular decision candidate and received a decision over a month ago.</p>

<p>Same here, I applied Rd and already heard back about a month ago.</p>

<p>I applied as RD and got in late March...</p>

<p>idk why you guys haven't heard yet but most people have heard and UM already had their open house. EA/ED heard back in december, i believe.</p>

<p>bruinsjew, have you heard back yet? i still havent i guess ill call tomm since today is supposed to be it</p>

<p>are you guys transfer students?</p>

<p>nope..i called them today. my school MESSED UP and originally sent the wrong transript blahblah...same old same old. i hate putting my fate into someone else's hand. now i have to wait who knows how long.</p>

<p>So...if you got a scholarship, can you find out on myum? According to the site I qualify for the scholarship but I haven't gotten notification :(. I reallllllly need one and if I don't get any I can't go to miami lol. This is such a repeat of last year!!</p>

<p>Wow i feel bad for applying to Miami after reading this thread. I applied simply because it was on the common app. and the communications school seemed good. I decided to go to the University of Maryland for journalism instead, but for the past few weeks I had Miami in the back of my mind. The small classes and personable factor almost had me, but I'm glad those of you who really wanted to get in got in. Anyone wait listed should know that I'm not going so there's your spot!</p>

<p>good luck to all!</p>

<p>by the way, it truly is a toss up. I got in with a 1210 math/verbal and a 3.85 GPA. My EC's were strong but I was 100 points below the average SAT score. And to top it off I got 15,000 a year. So nobody should feel bad, it's just what they're looking for these days, you just gotta' hope its you.</p>


<p>My S and you are mirror images - he chose Miami's School of Communications over Maryland's School of Journalism. Question - the 15,000 you were offered by Miami - was that merit-based or need-based? </p>

<p>Thanks and good luck in Maryland!</p>

<p>What a coincidence?, LOL</p>

<p>I just transferred from Maryland in the Spring to Miami (after my 1st sem of college). I find Miami to be a much better school, academically and so many other factors outweigh Maryland. </p>

<p>Nah. I'm not waiting. I was accepted as a transfer for Spring 2008, so I'm already a CANE. </p>

<p>My friend from NY still has yet to heard but she found out that her moronic school never sent over her transcript, but hopefully she will know soon.</p>

<p>HS Stats for those who want to know:
3.7 UW/ 4.2 W
1220 SAT/ 28 ACT
Many Extracurriculars
Hook: special circumstances</p>

<p>1st sem GPA @ UMD College Park:
3.3 GPA; 3.7 GPA before Final Examinations and missed an A by inches in one of my courses. </p>

<p>Expected GPA 4 2nd:
3.6-3.8 GPA</p>

<p>Well screw it...I got no scholarship and I thought I would. SOooooo, I'm going to go to Loyola new orleans instead. BruinsJew :(((( I'm sad. </p>

<p>But to all the rest of you who are going congrats and have fun! It's beautiful down there.</p>

<p>Awww, man. Sorry to hear that. Good luck @ Loyola!</p>

<p>i'm attending afterall!!!!!!!!!!
But how do we get an email?!</p>

<p>you go to myum and set up your alias. the e-mail system is kind of weird... it actually goes through your normal e-mail address if you want it to. It should automatically be <a href="mailto:firstinitial.lastname@umiami.edu">firstinitial.lastname@umiami.edu</a> and it should work a day or two after you pay the deposit.</p>

<p>Jeremy did you get accepted into frost as a transfer?</p>