2010-2011 Year!

<p>HottestGirlEver, you said that UW "wouldn't even consider someone below a 3.5." YOU had a 3.3, and still think you should have gotten in. I guarantee you that I'll have higher than that.
By your personality toward the people on this forum, it is also quite obvious why you weren't offered admission.
BTW... My neighbor attends Ball State, and she HATES HATES HATES it. If I were you, I would re-enroll somewhere else.</p>

You need to end the b-fit. I doubt my unweighed GPA was much higher than a 3.5 and I was admitted with an offer to apply to the honors program and invited on an overnight visit for "high-achieving students." So just chill out.</p>

<p>Excuse me , DaFunk , Why did you tell me that?
It is very clear to me that you are taking your "barely accepted" status and invitation to a fancy dinner, what not, and rubbing it in my face that I was denied. That is VERY cruel. And I think what you said is also a buncha crap and lies.
I'm not being mean, I am just defensive.
I am truly sickened by everyone on this forum. Maybe the folks at Ball State will actually have some, hmm, RESPECT?
I will see everyone in Fall 2010. Go Ball.</p>

<p>Yes, collegeconfidential is here just to rub Ball State in your face. That's its sole purpose.</p>

<p>OH-MY-GOD HottestGirlEver, I wasn't aware that you threw a hissy-fit on here! I was literally rotflmao the whole time I read that.</p>

<p>This thread got really off topic, and I think that we should respect the original poster by putting it back on topic.....</p>

<p>my friend got in with a 3.3.... granted he had an amazing ACT score and extracurriculars.</p>

<p>I'm applying with a 3.52 but I got a 33 on my ACT and have a really strong upward trend (freshman year I had a 2.9, haven't gotten less than an A since and have taken way harder classes). I have a lot of EC's too, got 2 good recs, Hopefully it works out.</p>

<p>So yeah, stop saying it's 'sickening' if people with less than a 3.5 get into Madison. I'm sure they were sickened by your personality and that's why they rejected you.</p>

<p>Wow, this thread got violent for a while. </p>

<p>HottestGirlEver: Ball State is a good school, so chill. And stop being a ***** to everyone. No one likes a cold *****.</p>

<p>ESmitty01: Don't take her crap, not that you are.</p>

<p>SimplyNick: Freshman year isn't very important. You're doing all the right thinks thinking early, and I think that you will have no problems.</p>

<p>Improving grades will make a difference, that upward trend is important- just as downward trend can hurt. A HS freshman should reach high; application decision time will come senior year, that's a lot of classes one can do well in before applying. </p>

<p>Watch out for the sour grapes those who were denied- there are still plenty of good schools that will work, probably even better for you than Madison would be.</p>

<p>haha nonagonsarecool, I think i'm alright :) lol and i concur she needs to chill.</p>