2010 Acceptances and Decisions Thread

<p>First college acceptance!</p>

<p>My reply came just before Christmas, about 3 weeks after I applied.</p>

<p>GPA: School doesn’t calculate GPA, but I’d say around 3.65.</p>

<p>Class rank: School doesn’t rank.</p>

<p>SAT I: 2360, MCR 1590</p>

<p>2 AP classes, 6 honors classes throughout all of high school (my school doesn’t offer a lot).
National Merit semifinalist.</p>

<p>Two main extracurriculars are theater tech crew (13 productions, plus some lighting design) and dance (ballet and modern, choreographing for school production this year). Also head of school gay-straight alliance and editor of school science magazine, and outside of school I work as a stablehand.</p>

<p>Recs: No idea, I waived my right to see them.</p>

<p>Essays: Eh…wrote a paragraph for each and just sent 'em in…I’d wager they get so many applications that the essays can’t really play a huge role.</p>

<p>I’m also a full-pay out-of-stater (Boston) so that helps.</p>

<p>I haven’t read through the whole thread but an above post made it sound like there have been a lot of postponements…don’t lose heart! Good luck to all of you!</p>

<p>Postponed people still have a 50-50 chance of getting in. Just keep working.</p>

<p>Do you recommend that I send in any additional letters of recommendation after being postponed? I sent in 4 originally, so I’m not sure if it will make a difference or not.</p>

<p>If four letters of recommendation can’t give them an adequate idea of who you are, then sending in more won’t help. I’ve personally never seen a bad letter of recommendation. You just need to be patient, which, I know, is easier said then done.</p>

<p>**Decision: ACCEPTED **</p>

[<em>] SAT I (by section): 790m 790r 720w
[</em>] SAT IIs: 800 chem, 750 math II, 740 physics
[<em>] ACT: none
[</em>] APs: 5 on chem, 4’s on English lit, AB calc, and US History
[<em>] IBs: none
[</em>] GPA: 3.7
[<em>] Rank: top 25% if I’m lucky
[</em>] Other stats: no
[<em>] ECs listed on app: 3 years varsity football 2 years all conference, 1 year varsity lax, jv basketball, a little community service, 2 summer programs at stanford, other meaningless stuff
[</em>] Job/Work Experience:nope
[<em>] Essays (subject and responses): extremely rushed and poor
[</em>] Teacher Recs: Good to very good (2 of them)
[<em>] Counselor Rec: Okay? Can’t be sure, didn’t read
[</em>] Applied on: December 20th
[<em>] Hook (if any):nope
[</em>] State or Country: MN
[<em>] School Type, Average Stats of School (if available): hard private school
[</em>] Ethnicity: white
[li] Gender: male[/li][/ul]General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! My first college acceptance - I’m just happy to know that I won’t be in my parents’ basement next year. I feel like my SAT carried me. Good luck to all postponed. I thought I’d do the big extravagant stats profile for my first acceptance.</p>

<p>Madison’s admission decisions are a mystery to me. I have slightly worse stats than people at my school who didn’t get in this year, and yet I did. So I’m guessing Madison does emphasize on essays and other stuff besides academic stats…?</p>

<p>Denied. Totally my first choice too. blasphemy.</p>

<p>White boy from Minnesota
GPA: 3.6 UW, W 3.91
ACT: 33 (improved from previous 26)
Top 25%
Lots of AP’s/Honors, Average EC’s, Job, 3 recs, sweet essays</p>

<p>Definitely a downer but I guess we can’t win them all, right? I’ll be attending Mankato State.</p>

<p>Rejected with a 33!?!?!?! That’s absolutely ridiculous.</p>

<p>^ lol dude I know right? I guess my GPA was kind of low though. I mean I was thinking I’d get postponed at the worst, but apparently they’re cracking down to the max this year. </p>

<p>But 'grats to everyone who’s in.</p>

<p>Dude I know a kid who got a 27 and has a 3.1 who got deferred, and I know a girl who had ~ 3.4 w/ no AP’s or anything and a 29 who got in. I actually can’t believe what I’m seeing on this thread.</p>

<p>^ Well then apparently they’re not all about numbers. Which means that instead of not being good enough students to get in, we’re not good enough people =X</p>

<p>I don’t know man, I check like two days ago and the message is like “we have received all of your materials” but it doesn’t say it’s being reviewed yet, and then I check today and BOOM I’m in. The fact that I went from being unreviewed to accepted in two days makes me think they just looked at my SAT and immediately accepted me… but that doesn’t explain why so many people with great scores are getting postponed/rejected.</p>

<p>^ I really dunno. I guess that’s possible. You seemed qualified all across the board though.</p>

<p>Hopefully I only have to spend one year at Mankato before I can get into Madison. Assured, I am NOT excited to be going there next year, but the parents give me no choice… =/</p>

<p>That’s rough man. I’m sorry.</p>

<p>Fall 2010 UW Madison </p>

<p>Critical Reading 800-800
Math 800-800
Writing 800-800</p>

<p>this is the possible look from 2010’s collegeboard profiles.</p>

<p>Brekfast…- why not attend U of M twin cities campus? It seems as though the rigor and peer group would be most comparable to UW there. Live in the dorms even if you are from that area- it is a whole different world on campus even if you are from the cities area (I went from a Madison suburb to dorms eons ago- before reciprocity- and know it can work). Many Wis residents choose U of M over UW.</p>

<p>Really? Everyone I know from MN would rather go to UW. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side or something like that.</p>

<p>I’m from a St. Paul suburbarn school and I’d say, among the top students that aren’t going to get into Stanford or Notre Dame or Northwestern or the like, it’s about a 50-50 split between the U of M and UW. I’d say around 10-15 kids are going to Madison and about 15-20 to the U from my class</p>

<p>And Breakfast Champion- have you looked at the u of M? How about St. Cloud, UMD, or North Dakota?</p>

<p>^ I didn’t get into the U of M.</p>

<p>Mankato’s cheap and easy to transfer from, and more appealing to me than saint cloud or umd.</p>