<p>I always try to be very positive and respectful on these boards and feel that all are entitled to their opinions. There are many wonderful schools and none are perfect or all things to all people all the time. UW is a wonderful place AND it has its issues as does everywhere. I have a son at UW who loves it and and is thrilled with his choice to attend. I have another son who will likely never consider it - too large and far from home. People choose schools for all sorts of reasons - academic fit, social fit, proximity to home, finances, and more. </p>
<p>Jiff’s mom -I believe it would be helpful (and you might garner greater respect for some of your valid points) if you were more balanced with regard to your continuous and inexplicable negativity, bordering on hatred, towards UW in your postings, especially as it relates to UIUC… no school is perfect and there are issues, but to only post a couple of opinions that argue your point of view shows great bias. It almost seems as if you search around waiting for the opportunity to bad mouth UW, like you have an ax to grind (I may be wrong, but that is the impression I have). During that same time period where some of the concerns you cited were being discussed, many others shared that although they may have experienced some registration glitches and concerns, they were actually able to get their issues resolved with a little self-advocacy and legwork. In addition, UW is investing a fair amount of money in expanding offerings in high demand areas where availabity is tight… that is not true of many places during these economic times. It was also shared that the some of the “powers that be” at the U were made aware of these concerns - I hope they act upon them. I don’t expect a big university to be perfect, but as long as they are responsive and accept input (and hopefully respond), it is good practice for life. </p>
<p>My son, though not an engineering guy, was one who came in with lots of credits and had some “lock out issues.” It did necessitate a couple of emails and phone calls, but he is in every class for which he wanted to register. He is most certainly NOT wasting time (well, at least not as far as his course selection
I can’t speak to why the laundry is not getting done). </p>
<p>It is also true - and folks should know this as you said - that you are NOT admitted directly to engineering at UW. You must compete and apply. If that is not ok with anyone, they should make a different choice. </p>
<p>Again, there are some issues and some of your points are valid and have merit, BUT nowhere is perfect. I don’t come on the UIUC board and point out problems there or make disparaging comments. in fact, a few posts above this one, there is an Illinois parent who didn’t even want his/her child to apply to UIUC - we all bring different priorities and perspectives. Please share…free speech and all that, but a little balance might be a good thing, especially since you seem to have neither personally attended the school nor sent one of your own children. I really mean this in a kind tone (tone is often lost online) and hope all families considering UW, UIUC, or anywhere else consider all factors and come to a good choice for them. </p>
<p>By the way… I left this while going to eat dinner so it is possible there may be other responses I haven’t read.</p>