2014 African Americans!

<p>Swarthmore has one, but the date for submission of the application (b/c if you’re selected, they pay for you’re transport, room, and board).</p>

<p>There is a thread for this on the Hispanic subforum: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/hispanic-students/645766-diversity-weekend-opportunities.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/hispanic-students/645766-diversity-weekend-opportunities.html&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hey guys. Make sure to keep everyone updated on where you are in the application process and share your acceptances. You should be proud of them. I have a friend who got accepted ED to Wake Forest and the look on his face when he found out gave me hope that someday I will do that with one of the schools I really want to go to.</p>

<p>Update! I just did the first draft to my Amherst supplement. lol. I’ve done already done a draft of the common app personal statement and EC short answer, but i’m kind of overwhelmed by all the supplements. :(</p>

<p>there are so many supplements! its crazy! but i guess we should all be thankful that there is even a common app in the first place…</p>

<p>does anyone know why columbia has to be different and not accept the common app?</p>

<p>@ bellanaija Lol, i took Columbia off my list. I fell out of love with the school. but I’m kind of glad I did for the reason u mentioned. haha</p>

<p>I’m with you bellanaija. I thought that the common app would mean maybe three essays and one application. Unfortunately I only get the later. I still have 3 extra essays and 5 shorts answers. And to think that only 3 of my colleges use the common app. I still have 6 others to apply to.</p>

<p>Update! I drafted my common application essay and I need to work on it still. My “Why Stanford?” essay is happily, happily, finished =)</p>

<p>last week I noticed that my GPA is a nightmare… i’m gonna be rejected from stanford and yale OTL just how much of a boost do URMs get? <<;;</p>

<p>finally, last night i had a dream i got an email from stanford saying i was accepted!</p>

<p>Hey I’m just wondering.
What’s so great about yale for black students?</p>

<p>^^i’ve been wondering about that too :/</p>

<p>ok i have a couple of things i wanna say, bare with me lol…</p>

<p>1.im pretty sure that i’ll be visiting penn this weekend, yay im sooo excited lol! if my family ends up having to practically drag me off the campus this weekend, then i’ll apply ED. if i leave there simply liking it and not loving it, then i’ll just wait because honestly, part of me would really like to see what other colleges would accept me besides penn…</p>

<p>what colleges have all of you guys visited thus far??</p>

<p>2.for all of you that already have a school that you’re pretty pumped about, do you know of others in your high school that are excited about the same school? if so, does that worry you? i ask because there is a little undercurrent of this going on in my high school about brown since several people want to go there, and its causing some drama lol…</p>

<p>Any thread? Anyone here anything?</p>

<p>I used to worry, but then I realized that if the school wants you, they’ll take you.
If the school wants the other classmate, they’ll take them too.</p>

<p>It’s not like the same admissions officer is laying your applications side by side…</p>

<p>^^^ Well that makes me feel a lot better because I’m going up against my really smart friends for some schools on my list. I also wondered about why so many blacks want to go to yale. I know why i wanna go tho. it’s all in my why yale essay. ;)</p>

<p>yeah I guess it does sometimes. But people at my school talk more about going to Florida schools than anywhere else, so talking about any other school feels weird sometimes. Like I was talking about wanting to go to UPenn while everyone talking about going to University of Central Florida, or University of Florida any they all looked at my weird. lol But I only visited 2 school unfortunately. University of Central Florida and University of South Florida. </p>

<p>Bella (sry I forgot the other part of ur username and if I go backwards on the page then I am going to lose my whole message. I want to say ur username is bellaninja but I know it is not)
Anyways, do u live near UPenn or do you live far away from it? When you come back from it you have to tell me all about it.</p>

<p>@Bella… This information was posted for Diversity Weekend Opportunities. In case you guys missed it, do check it out. This is a great opportunity to visit. GL!</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/770660-fall-diversity-visit-programs-compilation.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/770660-fall-diversity-visit-programs-compilation.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>@ learninginprog</p>

<p>thanks! that was really helpful…</p>

<p>@ BlackRose21</p>

<p>nope, i dont live near UPenn, im actually from new york, and i convinced my family that we should go to philly for a little getaway this past weekend before school starts and they agreed. i visited on sunday, and it was really informal, i couldnt go to any information sessions or anything like that because it was labor day weekend and the school was closed :confused:
but it was ok because we just walked all over the campus (locust walk is sooo gorgeous!) and talked to lots of people about the school, i learned a lot of things i didnt know before. so now im definitely gonna be applying there ED, im so nervous though!</p>

<p>^ @bella random question but do you like living in New York? I don’t live there, but I want to go to Columbia. I love the city. All of my friends from NY just see it as normal (of course, since they’ve been there all their lives), but I know some people are dying to leave. </p>

<p>Living on the east coast is so beneficial b/c you can get to other cities/states within a few hours.</p>

<p>Hey. I was just wondering how rigorous my schedule looks and wanted u guys’ opinion. How do you think colleges will view my not taking an advanced english??</p>

<p>AB/BC Calculus
Physics Honors
AP/IB Spanish Language
IB Economics Higher Level (HL)
English 12
IB Acting</p>

<p>I guess they would like advance english. Won’t hurt you I think. Just get the grades.</p>

<p>@ the franchize9
Yeah that is defiantly a very rigorous schedule. But take what you can handle. </p>

OMG. Thank you soo much. That actually helped me a lot. I’m actually applying to one of those programs now. </p>

yeah I’m soo confused on what I want to do about that. I mean like I’m doing questbridge but I’m still thinking of applying early decision to them. I know u have that option if you don’t get in as a finalist. Their digital media design program is out of this world! :slight_smile: Oh by the way the application for UPenn is a commonapp. I know I we were confused if UPenn posted on their site a couple of months back. </p>

<p>Some of you guys just started school right?</p>

<p>yeah i love New York, and columbia really is a great school, but i am just so ready for a change of scenery and philly seems like a great place for me, i know i’ll be a little upset with myself if i dont get in to upenn…</p>

<p>oh yeah, in new york we start school in september, my first day of school was actually last week. its only been one week, and im already stressed out lol by the time i get home im so wiped out from all my classes! i can tell these next few months are gonna be so crazy…</p>

<p>ok last thing lol, have you looked at the penn supplement yet? if so, what do you think of those essays we have to write??</p>