2014 African Americans!

<p>lol that’s cool bella. UPenn is a great school; I’m applying there too. The supplements are funny. I like the whole write the random page of your autobiography. That’s funny.</p>

<p>is the supplement on the admissions page or are they on the common app? I only know soo much about UPenn cause I have been doing many of the apps for Questbridge. Also does anyone know the difference a common app and a universal app?</p>

<p>By the way anyone here from Florida? Cause the bright future scholarships suck not. Two words budget cut! (I know that’s random) But I am curious if there are any FL applicants here.</p>

<p>I got it from the Common App.</p>

<p>the supplement is on both the common app and the penn admissions website, so i’m pretty sure it doesnt matter where you do it.</p>

<p>oh yeah, i just looked at the penn supplement again and saw how they were suggesting that if you want an interview for early decision, you should send your application in by october 15th, not november 1st, which means that crunch time for me is here in full force lol, these next few weeks are definitely gonna be stressful :/</p>

<p>I’m applying RD to Johns Hopkins and UPenn simply because I couldn’t afford
either one of them if I got accepted ED and their financial aid package didn’t
help me at all.</p>

<p>Johns Hopkins is my #1 choice, and I want to study Public Health Society and Gender Studies. After undergrad–it’s medical school.</p>

<p>PS. This is my first post! And the UPenn Supplement essay was pretty funny LOL.
These college essays aren’t as bad as I expected and I believe that they are
the voice of students, especially students who don’t have outstanding test scores.</p>

<p>Wish me luck!!</p>

<p>welcome thecookid :)</p>

<p>hmmm so you liked the penn supplement essay? i totally agree with you about the essays being good for students who dont have outstanding test scores, but i still dont know which one to write about! they gave us such a variety to choose from…</p>

<p>i just started my upenn supplement essay. how did u guys do…do you think? what did you all choose?</p>

<p>How many African-American FEMALES in this thread are applying to Princeton? What’s your stats?</p>

<p>^ Me
Um. You can check my stats profile thing (do I just copy and paste?).
Princeton is a beautiful, beautiful place, and the president is really, really nice. She’s sweet.</p>

<p>Hold on. I’ll just copy and paste it lol.</p>

<p>User Name: BeautifulNerd219
Gender: F
Location: Arizona
College Class Year: 2014
High School: Public
High School Type: sends some grads to top schools</p>


<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.60
GPA - Weighted: 4.50
Class Rank: top 10%
Class Size: 544</p>


<p>SAT I Math: 700
SAT I Critical Reading: 560
SAT I Writing: 600
ACT: 28</p>


<p>Significant Extracurriculars: Delta GEMS, Nat’l Honor Soc., azTeen Mag. Writer, Span. Club, Black Stu. Union, Ms Black Teen AZ Pageant, Young Agency Model, Wasserstein Project</p>

<p>Leadership positions: LEDA Scholar, Delta GEM (mentor to younger girls), Peer Mediator, Black Student Union (helped start it up this year, soon to be pres.)</p>

<p>Athletic Status - Track Team (in and out of school-senior year)
Tennis (freshman year-outside of school)</p>

<p>Volunteer/Service Work: Babysitter, Children’s ministry help, Church cleaner, Tutor (math, history, and English) [250+ hrs. in h.s.]</p>

<p>Honors and Awards: Letter for letterman Jacket, Miss Black Teen Arizona Finalist, National Honor Society Pin, Academic Letter and Pin, Service Bar, Nat’l French Exam cert. (also 8th in state)</p>

<p>College Summer programs: Pathfinders Summer Camp (Indiana University), Achievers Summer Camp (Indiana University), LEDA Scholars Program (Princeton University)</p>

<p>*There’s less than 50 IB seniors. Only about 15 are diploma candidates. I am in the top 4% of my senior class. I just took my ACT, so I’m praying I hit 30+. I studied and prepped all summer (mostly SAT prep though). That was my first time taking my SAT, so I chose to “wing it” just to see how I would do. But since I prepped all summer and am prepping now, my scores will definitely go up. First quarter just ended so I should have all A’s which means my GPA should increase to 3.7 (I believe) by the end of our semester.</p>

<p>There are a LOT of African-American students at Princeton. It was really nice to see some diversity. The people are very friendly, and the area is very nice. Plus I like the mall lol.</p>

<p>NICE!!! Good luck! I’m applying there too! Very impressive…</p>

<p>omg BeautifulNerd219 you have a Black Student Union at your school? thats so incredibly cool lol what types of things do you guys do???</p>

<p>Do you think an 1890 on the SATs for an African-American female is too low for Princeton or even NYU? I am a little nervous about applying lol. I am taking the SATs again, though.</p>

<p>^^ I’ve learned that if it’s high, that’s good; if it’s not as high as most, well show em what else you got. I don’t have time to be stressing over a couple of points. Just show em what you got, they can take it or leave it (but let’s hope they take it lol). Lol gosh. That was my first time posting stats. I mean, I never know how I stand, so I keep to myself for the most part. </p>

<p>And bella, yeah we have one…a very INACTIVE one. I never knew WHAT they did, and it was a hassle getting it started up. Since the teacher is new to it as well, she just wants us to do things we’re interested in, so I really wanna go to black productions and visit any black museums (if we have any in arizona), I’m really excited for BH month and we should read black literature, bring food (keep in mind, these are all my ideas for the club). I’m really excited though. Any other ideas lol?</p>

<p>i got my ACT scores today
34 composite=)
i got 36 E, 34 M, 35 R, and 32 S. i hope its good for stanford and yale…time will tell.</p>


<p>congrats on your ACT scores! that’s fantastic!</p>


<p>well, at hopefully you’ll take the reigns and make it active lol, i dont think a BSU would ever really work in our school, while i do think there’s enough of us to start it up, there would probably be a lot of dysfunction lol</p>

Our school is about 75% Hispanic and like I wanna say 8% African-American. Of those African-Americans, the BSU has always been ALL female and unknown to our school. BSU is broken down into different segments like the dance club (which is what EVERYONE loves) and the step team (which does not have ONE African-American member and just sucks in general). So it’s gonna be fun recruiting people to join the BSU, and people who are actually interested not just African-American students.</p>

<p>I’m super happy. I got to meet with another UPenn rep. She was really nice.</p>

wow i just stumbled across this thread, this is awesome!
i’ve always gone to schools that don’t have many african americans; it’s nice to know there are successful, smart and talented AAs that i can chat with about college admissions!</p>

<p>Born and raised in US, moved to Dubai for junior high and high school in British curriculum.
Math: 670,
Critical Reading: 690,
Writing: 630</p>

<p>GPA (weighted) 4.0/4.0
Freshman Extracurricular: Choir, Volleyball Team, Student Representative Counsel, Working in School Cafeteria, Basketball Team</p>

<p>Sophomore Extracurricular: Can’t think of any (may scar my admissions for life)
Sophomore Awards: Best Student in Biology, English, Music, Religious Studies</p>

<p>Junior Extracurricular and Leadership: Writer for student newspaper, Prefect (think Ron Weasley’s older brother), House Captain (think Hufflepuff)
Junior Awards: Best Student (of juniors and seniors) in Biology and Chemistry</p>

<p>Senior Extracurricular and Leadership: EDITOR in Chief for student magazine, Head of Student Council, volunteering at a local animal shelter, second term im joining badmitton lol</p>

<p>I pllans to: take A level exams, retake SAT 1 (for at least 2100) take SAT 2 (expect 700’s and up)</p>

<p>You probably think “this girl will not get into any Ivy League” but i have a pretty big hook: not only am i URM, but i’m not living in america… I’m living in Dubai, in the middle east. So basically, i’m an african american living abroad, with really good grades in the british curriculum. Our school doesn’t offer many extracurricular and virtually no jobs/volunteering available where I live (they employ cheap labour) </p>

<p>I’m applying to Cornell, Duke, Yale, Princeton, Harvard, Columbia (my dream school), U penn, U michigan, Ohio Sate, Wellesley, maybe Brown</p>

<p>Haha im taking my chances with the low SAT, but i hope my URM and international experience will help!</p>

<p>Living abroad would actually probably hurt you, sorry to say. Because then you are an “international” first, an “african-american” second I would think. And internationals go through a whole separate admissions pool that is much more competitive. Colleges here also are not big on giving aid to international students.
However, you sound like you really have benefitted from your internationality so if you can express that, it should be fine.</p>

<p>@ Junie: Yay for 34 ACT’s, I wish I had your math tho lol. 31 (lowest score!) and an engineering major??? <em>facepalm</em></p>