2014 African Americans!

how’d you meet the penn rep? did she come to your school? i’ve always wanted to talk to one but when i went to an information session a while back they were pretty much surrounded by people who wanted to ask questions so i didn’t get the chance to…</p>

<p>@ glitterz<em>iz</em>gold
wow how is living in dubai? do you like it or are you eager to come back to the states? </p>

<p>total side note:
at the beginning of each year in my school the guidance counselors meet with every senior to really get into detail about future plans, etc. But basically this is the meeting where everything is revealed to us like weighted gpa, rank(they hold that from us until senior yr to avoid people getting too competitive with each other so early i suppose). But im so nervous since my meeting is tomorrow lol! I just hope my rank and gpa aren’t absolutely ridiculous…</p>

<p>@bella she came to our school. she was really nice and informative. i met one of the admissions officers back in july; he was pretty nice. but yeah, of course he got swamped lol but i talked to him.</p>

<p>your school is smart. we’ve been knowing our ranks since freshman year. right now, a lot of people want one girl to remain the vale. but another guy is taking an extra class (to have a full schedule) to become vale. of course, he’ll pull an a out of calc. 3-4 and most likely be vale. unless he has a b elsewhere on his transcript this year, then he’ll be sal. Yes, it has gotten to that point lol. So in my indep. Spanish class, 2 of my group members in particular try to figure out who are the top 10 students. I mean, there’s only 47 IB kids, and it’s funny b/c a lot of us assume we fill up the first 47 spots in the ranking system but there’s some smart honors kids and some lazy IB kids, so that doesn’t equal out lol. What really sucks is the vale. and another guy are TA’s in the office and had to file stuff. So they saw EVERYONE’S IB grades, and THEN they went around telling everyone.</p>

<p>wow, i really wish some reps from top schools would come here. the way the IB kids in your school view the rankings is the same here, many people keep assuming that the kids who have loaded up on as many AP’s as possible will immediately take the top top spots, but thats definitely not true. there’s a lot of honors kids in our school who try just as hard (plus, when weighed, a 95 in an honors class will amount to more than a 90 in an AP class) so a lot of people here are in for a rude awakening at the end of the year lol…</p>

<p>Not to complain but is anyone like dying from the shear amount of work and commitments they have this year? lol Like my life is getting a bit rough…</p>

<p>Hey… I’m in the IB program so even though I’m a senior in HS, I’ll be graduating from Florida State (hopefully) in 2013. I also applied to UF, but they don’t really offer what I want to major in (Management Information Systems)</p>

<p>Any other National Achievement Semi-Finalists?</p>


<p>i totally understand lol, every now and then its easy to get that feeling that everything is just piling up and that there’s not enough hours in the day. i think its ok to get that feeling every once in a while, its inevitable, but you just gotta keep going you know? once i figure out what college i’ll be going to it’ll be like a huge weight lifted off my shoulder…i can’t wait for that day, whatever day it is lol…</p>


<p>Yea ur right. and PaJason? ***?! haha. i can’t even begin to tell you how ignorant your comment is. Go away. That’s really all i can say now because i don’t have the energy to waste on close-minded people like you. Go spread your poison elsewhere. Peace ;)</p>

<p>@bellanaija: Living in Dubai is alright. I mean, at first it’s amazing, with all the 7-star hotels, glitzy malls and palm trees. But after that, it’s a bit dull. They run like a 3rd world country, with cheap labour and inefficient training of staff. I’ve enjoyed living here (5 years)and meeting people from around the world, but it’s time to head back to America.</p>

<p>@jayay90: Hmm, yeah I did find out that to look at GCE and GCSE, I get put in the International Pool. However, I am still a US Citizen; I moved from Ohio to Dubai when I was 13. I think that probably makes a difference. Hopefully, they’ll see me as someone who can bring diversity to the class rather than just being any other international applicant.</p>

<p>To everyone: Don’t you wish you could just fast forward and see what university you’ll be attending? I am swamped with Student Council, Newspaper, SAT and Essays! Any advice on how to deal with the stress before I have a mental breakdown?</p>

<p>Btw, how are essays going? Done, almost done, still brainstorming?</p>

<p>I am proud to announce that my essays are finished for Stanford, UNC, and UVA. I’m just proof-reading them. It is a huge relief. I want everything to be in the mail by the 16th of October. I understand the stress. I’m taking the SAT this weekend. I am not looking forward to it at all. About handling the stress take it one day at a time. I know it’s easier said than done, but it really helps. </p>

<p>I absolutely wish I could fast forward and now if I will walk the halls of Stanford that would be amazing.</p>

<p>wow, its really cool that your essays are done, man i wish that was me lol i really have to buckle down and do my penn essays, everything else is pretty much done, im hoping to send in my application by next week tuesday or wednesday, im taking my SAT too this weekend and im sooo scared for the math part! im trying to go through my SAT book but its so hard to do when you also have your actual homework to take care of too.</p>

<p>I definitely wish I could fast forward, im tired of feeling different about my chances every day. its like one day i think i might have a good shot at getting in and then the next day i wonder whether or not im fooling myself by even applying…</p>

<p>Lol bella…I feel the same way. I get these ‘college mood swings’ almost everyday but they really don’t affect that much. Whatever happens, will happen. And i’m sure we’ll have great options come march/april. It happens every year. People get worked up over nothing. Good luck on your SAT. I know you’ve got it in the bag. ;)</p>

<p>haha i’m doing my SAT this weekend, just trying to go over the math etc.
wow you guys are finished with your essays? sending them in next week? oh my god. I feel completely unprepared, i’m still writing my drafts…
but then again, i’m not doing ED for any university… Oh well, i still feel unprepared.</p>

<p>So for top tier schools, sending in my applications in November would be taking a risk?</p>

<p>omg, sats, hate them. i’m just trying to get these dual 800’s on my 2’s. i haven’t even started my essays and i am applying ed (uh oh). i think everyone’s just loaded with work because the amount of posts on this website have dropped dramatically since the summer.</p>

<p>@bella- Get this: our school puts honors AND IB kids on the same scale. So there’s no way, an honors student SHOULD NOT be the valedictorian b/c they do less work (way less, they’re borderline mainstream), they don’t have extended essays, world lits, etc. etc. But this is why there’s not an honors valedictorian. Many IB students drop down to honors b/c they can’t handle IB, but once they realize, they have literally no homework, they just don’t do it at all. In other words, they get even lazier.</p>

<p>I’m so excited for the SAT. I got an 11 essay my first time, so I’m pushing for a 12. But I’m still happy with my 11 lol. I’m finishing up a few supps today (then I AM DONE!) and sending to my college guidance counselor and a professor. </p>

<p>@DNerd Congrats on making it to semi-finalist. I just was commended. </p>

<p>@crimsonchin I checked this site literally everyday, and there were NO posts in this section haha. We’ve all been extremely busy. I’m happy I’m on fall break. I got caught up so much. Plus I wake up at random times in the morning and start working, so that’s helpful as well.</p>

<p>yea, i’m really jealous right now. i’ve been all about the sat 2’s for the last i don’t even know. now it’s crunch time. don’t even get me started on the visiting and essays i have to do. i wish i used the summer better :(</p>

<p>^ Aww lol. Just take 2-3 good days solely for essays. It’s helpful. Now I’m just doing short answers and short essays.</p>

<p>yup, i definitely should have taken more advantage over summer but w/e, its not like i can go back and do it again. well at least we have a 3 day weekend since monday is columbus day so i’m about to really work on these essays like never before… im still extremely scared for the SAT though lol 2 days!</p>


<p>i don’t know too much about IB but whats its purpose? i had no clue what IB was until last year lol, and why does your school rank the IB and honors kids the same way??? thats extremely messed up…</p>

<p>@Crimson, I’m soooo ready for the MATH IIC this Saturday! I’ve taken a bagillion practice and i feel confident. I’m going for dat oh so elusive 800 as well. good luck to you! which ones are you taking?</p>

<p>idk, we only have ap, honors, and regular</p>

<p>IB is like AP to the extreme. AP focuses on more general ideas while IB has to be a jerk and makes us focus on specific topics within a subject. For the IB diploma, you have to do 2 world lits, a TOK paper, an extended essay (~3000 words; mine was 18 pages but I’ve had a paper longer that I did), orals, and IAs for each subject you’re testing in. We also have to do 250 CAS hours as well (100 freshman/sophomore and 150 junior/senior). It’s just a lot of work for a diploma you won’t find out that you have UNTIL you’re in college, but it’s worth it because it has opened up many doors for me. The difference is that AP is national, and IB is international. Hmm…most people don’t make it past sophomore year at my school, and that’s just PRE-IB. IB doesn’t hit until junior and senior years.</p>