2014 African Americans!

<p>I hope we get Monday off lol. I know we got Fall break and everything, but I’d be happy with an extra day off lol.</p>

<p>my school doesn’t offer IB, so we just take AP. i’m taking science sat 2’s. i’m gonna destroy physics, but chem. and bio not so much, maybe a low 700? that’s what i get for not preparing.</p>

<p>I’m taking chem and math II tomorrow. I’ve already taken math II once, but my scores did not make me happy. I need one of these for my schools that require three SAT IIs (ie: Georgetown, Harvard), and I have to take the other because I’m applying to MIT. I’m really scared about the SAT IIs.</p>

<p>I think I will dedicate all of Sunday to writing essays. Ive written two already and if I sit down with no distractions, I can get them done pretty quickly. Senior year is so busy, I never have any time for essay writing.</p>

<p>I haven’t read every post on this thread, so sorry if this has been mentioned. Don’t forget about the Ron Brown Scholarship. Early application due date is Nov. 1st, (which includes forwarding to other scholarships) and final deadline for Ron Brown is Jan. 9th.
It is VERY competetive, for instance 2 years ago more than 5,600 applied to the program with 20 receiving the scholarship (one of which was a fellow CC’er.) </p>

<p>[Ron</a> Brown Scholar Program](<a href=“http://www.ronbrown.org/Home.aspx]Ron”>http://www.ronbrown.org/Home.aspx)</p>

<p>Yes, I already sent in my application for Ron Brown! I am keeping my fingers crossed.</p>

<p>what is ron brown?</p>

<p>Ron Brown was secretary of commerce under Clinton, and was killed in a plane crash in 1996. The scholarship is $40,000 (10k per year) and under certain circumstances can be deferred to grad school.</p>

<p>MorganSimone, if you make it to the semi-finalist status, be prepared that the Director of the program will call you at your home to “interview” you. My D made it from the 5600 applicants to 63 semi-finalists. She got the phone call, and was caught completely off guard! :frowning: They will also ask you for a photo if you make it to semi’s.</p>

<p>edit: I put it in this forum as it is only for AA’s.</p>

<p>i’m still nervous, can’t seem to get rid of these butterflies in my stomach, i can’t wait to be done with this lol</p>

<p>so how were the SATS everyone? I took SAT I, it went fine. I hope my mark goes up!!</p>

<p>I know completely, i wish i had used my summer more productively. All that shopping and sightseeing isn’t helping me right now. Plus with being elected student council president (yay!) and editor in chief of newspaper, i’m about to have a mental breakdown. Don’t even remind me about essays. </p>

<p>btw, when is a good time to submit common app WITHOUT the essay and short response? Mid november? now?</p>

<p>o man, so nerve racking. it was harder than the practice tests and almost all conceptual which caught me off guard. nothing to do now but wait until oct. 29 and pray a little in the meantime.</p>

<p>Really? Well, thank you then, GA2012MOM. What were her stats like, if you do not mind me asking?</p>

<p>glitterz<em>iz</em>gold: I took the subject tests today. Not too shabby, I suppose. I prayed a whole lot the night before!</p>

<p>the sat was definitely better than i expected, i just hope i omitted strategically lol</p>

<p>do you guys ever have the feeling where you feel like you did well but wonder whether or not you’re just fooling yourself?? well, thats how i feel right now lol, i think i did good enough but i would really hate to feel this way then see that my scores are just the opposite lol</p>

<p>MorganSimone, I sent you a pm.</p>

<p>bellanaija: I know EXACTLY what you mean!</p>

<p>GA2012MOM: I responded!</p>

<p>UMM…math went horribly today. lol. it was much harder than the practice tests i’ve taken. I know for sure that i won’t get an 800 because i omitted ten. I hope i did better than i think i did. :l</p>

<p>I think I did really well on these SATs. We prepped for it all frickin summer, and my essay topic was easy. I finished the essay with about 5-7 minutes to spare, so I proofread the whole thing.</p>

<p>I hope u did well beautifulnerd. We’ve got to prove that blacks are just as capable as anyone else and that we deserve to get into the schools to which we wanna go. ;)</p>

<p>^ AMEN. I hope I hit between 2120-2200…that’s what I’ve predicted so far. Lol I actually prepped this time, something’s gotta give.</p>