2014 African Americans!

<p>Under “Academics”, it says:</p>

<p>If you received college counseling or assistance with your application process from a community based organization (such as Upward Bound, Questbridge, etc.), please select that organization:</p>

<p>Select Questbridge.</p>

<p>OOOOOO ok i know what ur talking about. for some reason i was thinking u would only check that off if u were a finalist of questbridge. thanks for the tip!</p>

<p>Columbia is out because its in NYC and that is where I live. I want a new environment u know. Something different. I dont really feel connected to any other school. As hard as ive tried i only like Brown. (I know that is bad because its challenging to get into)</p>

<p>Yay, I’m applying to Brown too! And HBrown, I agree with you 100% on everything you just said. Brown is my first choice and that’s the exact same reason I didn’t apply to Columbia. After being at boarding school for 4 years (St. Paul’s) I really can’t see myself back in the Big Apple.</p>

<p>@BlackRose1 - I’m not fond of Jamaican fruit cake (though I think it’s better than American) but I love sorrel with just a small touch of rum. <3</p>

<p>I hadn’t heard of Questbridge until I came unto these forums. Is it something you applied independently to? I’m not sure I would be eligible since I’m already in a “community based organization” on Common AP list - the Oliver Scholars Program.</p>

<p>I hope we all get into the schools of our choice. That would be amazing (i know me and my fantasy land)</p>

<p>kalamari- YEAH, lol sorrel with a touch of rum is the best way to go. especially if you put ice and make it soak for at least one day. lol. but like many things i think it depend who makes it. i’ve realized that not everyone’s jamaican fruit cake tastes the same/
questbridge is a scholarship program that matches people with their partner schools such as upenn, brown, princeton, stanford and etc. if u become a finalist then they will match u to a school on ur list (their r other fctors to it bt I’m trying to sum it up quick 4 u) and they will pay for pretty much all of ur expenses for all four years of college.</p>

<p>@HBrown- awww man that would awesome. it’s good to have a fantasy land every once in a while lol. but it would be cool to if some of us went to the same schools.</p>

<p>I don’t like Brown because two really sucky guys from my school went there. It’s more of a silly thing. If I had actually found some interest in Brown, I would have applied.</p>

<p>But US News interviewed one of the guys. [YouTube</a> - How to Choose a College: Going the Extra Mile](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9Sf4-OCUV0]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9Sf4-OCUV0)
I love the way he talks about my “inner city” school. Lulz.</p>

<p>I’M ALSO APPLYING TO BROWN! I love their open curric and diversity. I’m going to visit in a month or so though. I gotta find someone to take me. =P I wrote my common app main essay about being Haitian in an American society and feeling conflicted. I killed myself on painting a vivid picture of Haiti. I hope they like it. I chose the educational experience prompt for Brown and wrote about my experience reading the Grapes of Wrath for pleasure over the summer and how literature allows me to learn so much about the world around me. Sigh, I just want to get into one of my top 5 choices so I can move on with life. lol</p>

<p>I think Brown’s open curriculum is a fascinating idea as well, and if I got in but not to Columbia, I would definitely enjoy the experience, but I don’t know, I think we as high school students tend to shy away from the idea of curriculums since that’s what we’re subjected to all four years of high school, in which we work tremendously hard to impress colleges in our senior year and whatnot, and being able to explore finally allots us that freedom to explore our minds that we haven’t been given in high school. Certainly a valid point. </p>

<p>But what was a valid point that I’d heard (and also swayed me in the direction of Columbia) is that the Core brings people together from all sorts of different perspectives and backgrounds and to learn about certain texts and art. Maybe a history buff sees it different from a music major, an I-Banker from an athlete? I think at a place like Brown, it would sort of suck to be in a classroom full of people that, say, knew a ton about philosophers and you know very little. But that’s just my opinion. I don’t mind being forced into things, and I’d take advantage of whatever’s offered, be it exploring through doing or by learning. Or a combination of the two!</p>

<p>thanks guys, we’ll see what happens in the next few months, i just hope they go by fast because i’m ready to get out of here! (lol and i’m also applying to Brown, i guess their minority recruitment efforts really worked this year)</p>

<p>@obstinate- yeah, you’re definitely right, my AP Calculus teacher is working on a reco letter for me, plus i think i might send in an additional activity sheet with all of the stuff I’ve done since then, hopefully when they see my mid year report it will put me over because I’ve been getting the best grades I’ve ever gotten these first two quarters with 5 AP’s…</p>

<p>hey for the mid-term report did many of you not send it in already caue you just finished the semester and grades weren’t in yet. but still they have it to be in and postmaked by jan.1 how does that work. also can u send in additional test scores as you take them. like i am trying to figure out if it is even worth taking the ACT in feb. since a lot of schools like princeton and brown have deadlines for that. </p>

<p>by the way for all the people that are applying to brown the deadline is extended to jan. 4</p>

<p>I just got word back that Harvard, Princeton, and Yale have received my arts supplements…<em>gulp</em> lol</p>

<p>I submitted the rest of my apps today. I’m excited. Now I need to celebrate the New Year. But being 17 does not help…hmm I’ll figure it out lol. I hope I get to see some of you guys at whatever school we end up at.</p>

<p>Aww congrats, BeautifulNerd! It feels so good when you know you’ve finished all of your applications! No more essays!</p>

<p>Er did you guys get a lot of help from your school counseling office? It sucks because, here in my british school in Dubai, no one knows anything about applying to US universities. My counselor waited until a week ago to submit my school report and recommendation! </p>

<p>@blackrose21: I believe that the postmark deadline for the Mid-Year reports is Feb 15th. I’m not too sure though. I don’t think they expect it in the beginning of January. I think they just want you to submit it at the appropriate time. For example, in my school, we have our “Mock Exams” in mid-Jan, so I will send my report at the end of Jan.</p>

<p>Anyone here applying to Wellesley or UPenn?</p>

<p>Not really. CC is my college counselor for the most part :)</p>

<p>@glitterz- Thanks! My counselor was really helpful. But I also went to a summer program which is really a college guidance program that stays with you even when you matriculate into college, and they helped so much with everything. They pay for all of our apps and help us get good fin. aid packages, and we’re all just a big family. I’m applying to UPenn also.</p>

<p>I love Brown for the simple fact that I dont have to take classes that im not interested in. I mean in my junior year I was forced to take ap statistics because calculus was full and I hated every minute of it. That class put me through hell. I love school and learning but I dont like taking a class just for the sake of taking it</p>

<p>And I hope we all get into some of the same schools too. That would be amazing</p>

<p>Hey guys. So I applied to Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Columbia, Dartmouth, NYU, Vanderbilt, University of Chicago, Emory, Washington University in St. Louis, Furman, and USC. But I’m not at all confident about getting into any of these schools, aside from USC and Furman. Like, my SAT score aren’t amazing at all and my grades were really good, but then I transfered to a more difficult school and that caused them to drop. But i’m taking really challenging courses, some of which are above AP level, so I hope that makes a difference. And my school is known for its academics so maybe that will help, i don’t know. Also, I was Valedictorian at my old school but I don’t know if that really makes a difference since that only pertains to my ninth and tenth grade year. So, I don’t really know what my chances are. I’m hoping that my essays are really taken into consideration because I think they are good…hopefully they are. So, I’ve been freaking out for a while now. :slight_smile: But hopefully, everything will work out for the better.</p>

<p>Anyways, I hope that we all are accepted into the schools we applied to. I know that many of you have worked hard and deserve being admitted. :wink: And as HBrown said, it would be great if some of us got into and went to the same school. Just AMAZING!!! :)</p>

<p>Wow,that is a lot of selective schools lol, MusicalOne! Good luck!</p>

<p>Thank You. I am definitely in need of encouragement. Haha. I’m just going to pray about it because at this point, that’s all I can do. lol. Although, I have an interview with Yale and I had an interview with Princeton, so I’m hoping that those will carry enough weight. :)</p>