2014 African Americans!

<p>I know this is so wrong, but after finding out Lil Romeo goes there, I went nuts. (I was applying before I knew he went there, but I was a HUGE Lil Romeo fan when I was younger…and even now lol)</p>

<p>whoa…Lil Romeo is still a student at USC!!! I wish I would’ve known this before i turned in my apps hahahah</p>

<p>Im not really a Romeo fan.</p>

<p>Lol hbrown. Neither am I, but I’m a dude so it’d b weird if I was. Lol his show was aight tho.</p>

<p>Your a guy??? That’s so weird. I could’ve sworn you were a girl. I saw your chance me thread on Brown and I still thought you were a girl. (See how much I pay attention) So actually, you have a good chance of getting into Brown just because you are an African American male. Ivy Leagues have a harder time recruiting African American guys than girls. So I say you have a good shot</p>

<p>LMAO!! maybe i should’ve put my gender down as well. It’s funny you assumed I was a girl. i literally laughed out loud. Maybe I should macho-up my posts. ahem: GIRLS! FOOTBALL! BEER! MONSTER TRUCKS!</p>

<p>hahah! it is hard to know sometimes if someone is a girl or boy. they only way i know thefranchiez was a male because of him introducing himself to everybody on another forum. it makes me remember that someone thought I was emo because of my username which I am not! nothing to emo people but it’s just not my cup of tea. </p>

o really. ok I was just wondering cause as soon as u said small town in sc i thought of Rock Hill. All of my family on my dad’s side are from there.</p>

<p>Okay. Cool. Yeah, I had an interview in Rock Hill. Btw, I have family there as well. My cousins on my mom’s side.</p>

<p>i thought franchize was a guy because of his runners medals.
sigh,i’m so sexist :)</p>

<p>No you dont need to macho up. I just need to pay more attention i guess. I should have guessed because of all of the athletic extra curriculars and stuff. </p>

<p>ANYWHO…where else did you guys apply</p>

<p>I am soo late getting in on this XD
Im a girl, btw—> I know everyone is trying to figure out each others genders.</p>

<p>HBrown, was it you who got into Brown ED? If so, congrats! My sister goes there and loves the school, and Providence is absolutely UH-mazing! I was up there a couple months ago during family weekend, and I didn’t get to see Emma Watson :frowning:
Anyway, I think it catchs a lot of slack for being one of the chiller Ivies, but it’s actually very cool. Why do like it? I think my sis loved it bc it’s not too large, it’s really pretty diverse, it’s an amazing school with great profs and the atmosphere isn’t as high strung as other ivies. It’s so diverse- She lives w a chinese international roomate, and an AA boy is across the hallway. You’ll love it. Everyone’s very hipster and cool, but into their academics as well…a good percentage are well-connected, but nobody likes to talk about it. It’s not a part of their culture to talk to much about their academics…Hope you have tons of fun!!!</p>

<p>As for me, I’m applying to Wellesley, Barnard, Mount Holyoke, Smith, URichmond (safety), Syracuse (Newhouse)… I’m stuck on the girls school bug. Most of my schools are lib arts schools. I find I do better in small classes…and the profs are more accessible. I really want to go to Barnard, which is a part of Columbia University, and is an amazing school. I considered some Ivy’s (namely Dartmouth) and decided a) the app fee is too expensive, and I would never qualify for a fee waver b) the school isn’t diverse c) it’s a bit…fratty for me d) the location sucks!</p>

<p>I’m soooo nervous…the wait is insane!</p>

<p>Btw, Brown accepts a pretty low percentage of black ppl…ussually. I think it was like, 12% or 10%…so the acceptance can’t be that different all ready, can it? I’m not sure…you’d have to check that i guess.And I heard that their really big on your personality. When I was on campus, I had a feeling (based off the ppl I met and saw) that they really like free spirits…ppl that don’t just take everything for a GPA point. Basically, the interview is weighted pretty heavily.</p>

<p>inconspicuous.s.n. I WISH I GOT INTO BROWN EARLY DECISION. I couldn’t apply early because i didn’t finish taking my sat 2. So no it wasn’t me who got in early. But I love Brown for a lot of reasons. The open curriculum, the size, the location…all the generic stuff. But mainly I love it because of the people and the positive/chill atmosphere. At my school everyone is competitive. In my year alone I think over 100 students have over a 90 avg. Its really annoying. So I want a college environment that is rigorous and challenging but not so cut throat. That’s why I love Brown. It gives the best of both worlds. </p>

<p>Secondly, I think they only accept a small amount of African Americans because in the years b4 only a small amount applied. (Don’t quote me on this)</p>

<p>As for the interviews being weighted heavily. I hope that I have a great interview and it works to my advantage. (Praying to God) :)</p>

<p>P.S. Your sister is a very lucky lucky girl lmao</p>

<p>hey is anyone applying to Morhouse, Spelman, and I forgot the other school black school I think it is Howard.</p>

<p>wow a lot of people applied to columbia and brown</p>

<p>Yes, you’re right, BlackRose21. I kinda wish I could get an interview :-/.</p>

<p>I know I jumped in late but I just want say I GOT INTO COLUMBIA SEAS ED!!! =DDD</p>

<p>haha. congrats! ur username does you justice.</p>

<p>Umm well my BlackRose21 my sister just graduated from Spelman however I did not apply there. I want to stay in the northeast. Did you apply to Spelman?</p>

<p>sorry typo in the last post. I didn’t mean to write MY BlackRose21.
Umm well BlackRose21 my sister just graduated from Spelman however I did not apply there. I want to stay in the northeast. Did you apply to Spelman?</p>

<p>i know i’m a little late (okay, so I’m really late),and i’m sure this information is buried somewhere on this thread, but did anyone apply to georgetown early action? I’m ready to make some friends/possible future classmates if i decide to go.</p>

<p>USC people represent! How does the percentage look for in state/ out of state african americans at the University does anyone know?</p>