2014 African Americans!

haha yeah I know what you mean. I got to mentally preparefor that too.</p>

lol. do you know the score if you had the ACT?</p>

<p>yeah I’m taking ap mico/macro, ap lit, couple courses at community college and 2 computer courses at school. Hey which one is easier biology e or biology m for sat subject tests.</p>

<p>I know this off topic but omg Michael Jackson just died! :(</p>

<p>I can’t believe it either!!! It came out of nowhere. And @ blackrose, deciding which bio test to take depends on what ur AP bio class’s emphasis was on, molecular or ecological bio. I took M nd it wasn’t so bad. </p>

<p>Next Year’s Courses:</p>

<p>IB Economics Higher Level
AP Spanish
AB Calc
Physics Honors
English 12
IB Acting</p>

<p>i cant believe he’s dead, its just so unexpected…</p>

<p>next yrs classes:
AP Calc
AP Stats
AP Language
AP Spanish
AP Economics</p>

<p>its funny cuz i’ve pretty much worked hard these past three yrs hoping that i can relax a little bit my senior yr but it looks like that isnt gonna happen lol</p>

<p>ugh, this might be a dumb question but do the ACT and SAT differ in the difficulty of the questions? just asking cuz im not sure whether or not i should take the ACT…</p>

<p>hmmm well I only took SAT once and ACT twice but they differ in amount of questions in amount of time. But ACT you can guess and you won’t get penalized for it. I wanted to take AP spanish also this year but my teacher is really horrible I just barely survived through spanish 4? Anyone have any ideas? </p>

I didn’t know there was an IB acting, that’s pretty cool. But that’s the bad part I didn’t do AP bio. I only did physics. I wass just wondering if I wanted to take that instead, cause I didn’t want to deal with the formula and math portion of it. I guess I’m just going to study the SAT 2 bio for dummies with my mom and see if she can help me since she was a bio major.
My schedule is:
AP lit
Visual design 3
Visual design 4
dual enrollment: 1st semester: Speech and Biology 2nd semester: College Algebra and Computer Science
Ap MAcro/micro economics
volleyball(need it for grad. requirements)/drivers ed. </p>

<p>I dunno is this a good schedule? I’m kindof afraid that it might not be rigorous for senior year. Should I try to do and AP stats. (not really good with calc.)</p>

<p>@ BlackRose21, </p>

<p>apparently the ap Spanish teacher in my school is also really bad, word is that she makes the course 10 times easier than the actual ap test, but my plan is just to do a lot of studying on my own…idk if that helps but I’m just saying lol…</p>

<p>also, the only reason I’m taking stats is because I wanna be a sociology major and statistics seems to be an important part of that, so ap stats is a good class to take if u don’t get bored by that stuff</p>

<p>Actually, I really love Calculus. Stats is, at least in my school, known for being really boring and really easy-I’m sure you can handle Calc, BlackRose21 :slight_smile: But like bellanaija pointed out, it somewhat depends on what you want to do when you grow up. Stats is probably more useful for non-science/math majors and calculus is probably more useful for engineering/science/math majors. But when in doubt, take the class that you feel more interested and/or challenged by.
Hey, thefranchize9, after a lot of thought, I’ve decided to apply SCEA to Yale as well! I hope everyone in the thread can support/help each other get through the stressful times that are coming…</p>

<p>Thanks for the help guys. Well I wanted to do something in computer animation and or business which falls under the School of Engineering and Applied Science for a lot of schools. I know you need a good base for math for both that and business but ugh we only have AP Calc or AP Stats after pre-calc. I know the only prerequisite for AP Stats is Algebra 2 so I’m good there. But the reason I was asking before was I saw that everyone was like loading up on courses and I was wondering if my course load looks like I’m just relaxing and having fun in my senior year. </p>

<p>What is the SCEA at Yale?</p>

<p>lol yeah stressful times are coming ahead. Probably more stressful than the MIT MITES thread. :)</p>

<p>well, I can’t really speak for anyone else but I’ve been loading up on ap/honors courses since freshman yr, so I might as well finish up strong. I don’t wanna take ap calc( i have little to no passion for math and science) but I’ve basically been on the track to taking that class since 8th grade so deciding not to take it would kinda defeat the purpose of being on that track in the first place…</p>

<p>in my opinion you have a pretty good schedule, I think it makes u look well rounded, plus, it’s important to note that everyone who’s applying to the ivies is probably taking advanced courses of some sort, so I think that admissions officers might look to see if you’re taking advantage of classes in your school that cater to your interests, which you’re definitely doing :)</p>

<p>i agree with bella. however there seems to be some confusion about what ivy adcoms tell u about courses. they say take the hardest courses u can possibly take and really challenge urself and most of us think, “this means take all the ap’s available at my school” but some say take the courses ur interested in. So what is the solution? Blackrose, ur doing what u love and that’s a plus. It’s also great that ur taking the initiative to take classes at a college, which shows ur dedication to ur academics. Just kick butt in those classes and i think u’ll b fine!</p>

<p>Are college classes essential? most of the smart kids in my school take 1 or more killer summer course at the community college. its surreal. i will never be able to afford that. -_-</p>

<p>They aren’t essential but if ur not getting enough from ur school then they would be a good idea. And yea they are expensive. Summer session courses are ridiculously expensive and i was told were a way for the school to make extra money so no finaid there.</p>

<p>thank you bellaninja and thefranchize9! You guys helped me out soo much! You also made me feel better about my schedule. I have heard about take classes that you are interested in and also the more years you but into that area the more detication you are showing to that area. lol thefranchize9, yeah I’ll butt in all my classes. Again thanks you guys! :slight_smile: </p>

no college courses are not essential. (your talking about courses at a community college versus ap courses right?) It’s just helps a lot with bringing up your gpa if you can do those courses and if they don’t have a certain class at your school. Foe example I have a interest in Japanese so I took it at my school cause my school didn’t offer it. Also I have a program called dual enrollment, which allows high school students take college courses, and possible get your AA by the time you graduate if you decide you want to do that. Because I took dual enrollment I didn’t have to pay for the course or my books.</p>

<p>ok I have another question lol…</p>

<p>on CC I see that a lot of people list they’re gpa as being over 4.0, but how is that calculated? in my school we’re graded on a 0-100 scale I understand how that translates onto the 0-4.0 scale, but what if your weighted gpa is over 100? I’m trying to figure this out because I never know what to put on college forms when asked for my gpa…</p>

<p>well there are two kinds: unweighted and weighted GPAs. ur unweighted is out of 4.0 and that is just letter grades. ur weighted, however, takes into account the kinds of courses u’ve taken and u get (in my school) .5 (AP) added to ur the particular class GPA and .25 for honors courses.</p>

<p>For example U take these classes </p>

<p>English Honors - A = 4.0 + .25(for the weight of the class) = 4.25
Alg 2 Honors - B+ = 3.5 + .25 = 3.75
AP US - A = 4.0 + .5 = 4.5
Biology - A- = 3.7 (no weight added)
and so on…</p>

<p>Each school has a different weight and some schools weight advanced courses heavily so that’s y one sees crazy GPAs. So it is possible to get something over 4.0, but it’s only for weighted GPAs.</p>

<p>P.s. those are not my numbers. lol</p>

<p>ty franchize. poverty sucks.
what’s an AA?</p>

<p>AA stands for Associate of Arts. AS stands for associate of science. I stands for 2 years of college.
yeah poverty does suck. I’ve only been able to take ACT and SAT once.</p>

<p>^BlackRose21, I think there are fee waivers for the SAT, so you should talk to your counselor about that if you want to retake the SAT/ACT.</p>

<p>yeah I just found that out towards the end of the year, but by the time I could apply for it was too late for me to take the last ACT and SAT before the Summer. But thanks Melody224.</p>

<p>hmmmm well the weighting in my school is much different than yours, my weighted gpa is over 100, but I guess I’ll just put 4.0 anyways</p>

<p>ok thanks for explaining thefranchize9 ;)</p>

<p>Aw, that’s a bummer BlackRose21 :frowning: I’m sorry.
Actually, the way my school does GPAs is much different. For us, an A in a regular class is a 4 and an A in an AP class is a 5. Then, you add up all the points, divide by the number of classes, and voila! It’s your weighted GPA. What I really don’t understand are the GPAs that are on a weighted scale of 6…It’s all so confusing!</p>