2014 African Americans!

<p>really!? where r u guys getting this stuff from? probably from their websites but I am wondering where.</p>

<p>i just had my brown interview and it was absolutely amazing! we talked for so long lol but i cant get my hopes up since so many people applied there this year :/</p>

<p>Found out about cars mostly when we visited the schools, I ask while visiting. More schools want the students to focus freshman year, etc. In cities like Providence, Boston, they have mass transit/buses. Parking is tough/expensive in these cities— some seem to have many bike riders. </p>

<p>Perhaps under living/dorms section it mentions it on the websites.</p>

<p>bellanaija, i feel you completely on that. I’m trying very hard not to like brown so that i won’t get hurt if i’m rejected. lol</p>

<p>yup, and after i found out that over 30,000 people applied to brown this year, i went to check what it was like at other schools and its basically happened everywhere. at penn i think applications went up by like 17% and 19% at princeton, lol i definitely cant get my hopes up for any of these schools</p>

<p>ACCEPTED: University of Notre Dame, Seton Hall
Applied: Williams, Amherst, Vassar, University of Chicago, Northwestern, Morehouse, Skidmore, Marist, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Georgetown, Yale, Brown</p>

<p>bellanaija, I read somehwere that brown’s acceptance rate was gonna drop below 10 percent because of the number of applicants. Do you know anything about that?</p>

<p>no, i haven’t heard that actually but i honestly wouldn’t be surprised to see the acceptance rate drop, this definitely sucks lol</p>

<p>Well they had around 30,000 apps, and had 2800 freshman spots last year. So… its something to expect now. I applied there too, but I didn’t realize everyone seems to be applying to really good schools because of the recession.</p>

<p>hey guys, I was just wondering what everyone plans to major in. Me, I want to do chemistry or biochemistry. One or the other. I think I am leaning more towards biochemistry. How about you guys?</p>

<p>Good question. As for me, I’m planning on Economics. Possibly an mba after that. and maybe a doctorate. But at least something business/finance/economics oriented.</p>

<p>I plan on majoring in English/Journalism if I go to a school like Columbia or Northwestern.
If I go to a school like USC or U.Penn, I would major in communications.</p>

<p>I want to become a public relations specialist (image consultant) and work in the entertainment industry first then get into product advertisement and perhaps the government.</p>

<p>hmmm i wanted to do engineering with a concentration in computer animation and languages. depending on the school it falls under computer science, or computer information science. I wanted to do either spanish or japanese for a language.</p>

<p>Nice…I just thought it would be interesting to see what everyone aspires to be</p>

<p>It’s pretty cool that everyone pretty much knows what they wanna do. Nobody seems uncertain.</p>

<p>I have a Princeton interview tomorrow. It’s my fourth one; I am pretty excited :-). How many interviews did everyone else get?</p>

<p>wow ur fourth one! u must be a pro at this point. lol</p>

<p>Lol. Well, I don’t know if I am a pro but I am much more relaxed now than my first interview. I really am over-the-moon right now :slight_smile: :-).</p>

<p>I am having my first interview tomorrow! So nervous. But I am just going to try and be myself. I think that is all that I can do. Hopefully she will like me. :)</p>

<p>I’ve had 3 too, and my 4th was supposed to be brown, but I couldn’t make it so i think im getting a phone interview. The more you have, the more relaxed you are and prepared to answer obvious questions except the northwestern one. The questions were pretty out there. My first three were Yale, Harvard (phone, and the lady still really liked me), Northwestern, possibly Brown, Vandy, and U Chicago later. Where were your interviews?</p>