2014 African Americans!

<p>My interviews were Yale, Harvard, Columbia, and Princeton :-).</p>

<p>Glad to see everyone is making some progress with their colleges. </p>

<p>Does anyone know of some good, yet little known, Black scholarships? I’ve been looking for some with a bit of success, but I’m sure there are more out there. The NSBE Golden Torch Award was a good one to apply to.</p>

<p>@BlackRose 21: Hey, you responded to my post about UCF a while back. Did you get in? Is that we you’re planning to go for Computer Animation?</p>

<p>Fisk is nice…</p>


<p>For everyone who hasn’t done their interviews, it’s a breeze! Just practice the questions to yourself or to a teacher/parent, and you’ll be fine. Make sure you have good reasons for the “Why X University?” question.</p>

<p>The guy that did my Yale interview took literally 15 minutes to ask me questions, and the rest of the 45 min he spent answering my questions. He was very nice, and extremely casual. Maybe not all interviewers are like that, but just make sure to seem confident and not nervous…</p>

<p>I have my Princeton interview tomorrow. For some reason, Harvard hasn’t contacted me… :S </p>

<p>And does Columbia do interviews? I thought they didn’t…</p>

<p>Columbia does interview, but sadly not very many people get them. I heard around 55-60% actually receive interviews. My Columbia interview was by far my favorite. It was about 2 1/2 hours in all. My situation was a unique case (ED applicant, switched to RD due to father not sending in tax forms at last minute). It has been a really tough time because of it, but my adcom has been very, very encouraging I feel though. </p>

<p>But anyways, I got an email about an interview, and it was such a great interview. He explained how the process works in alumni selecting who to interview. For instance, he chose the high schools in the South Bay Beach cities since he lives there, and if it weren’t for my situation, I very likely wouldn’t have gotten an interview since I live outside of his “jurisdiction” so to speak. So the interviewers often choose areas and high schools to interview from and get a list of applicants and contact info. So you never really know. You still have about a week or so to get contacted. But Columbia doesn’t have very many alumni representing compared to other schools.</p>

<p>But yeah, I have my Brown interview on Feb. 6th, which I’m pretty excited about. Out of the way, but I think it’ll be worth it.</p>

<p>My Harvard one was awful, in that the guy was pretty much a direct stereotype of the Hahhvahd Ivy League stereotype and it was just demeaning overall. But I’ve been given a second one by the regional interview chair, so hopefully that fares better. This Wednesday. Gah.</p>

<p>yeah I agree with glitterz. after you have that first one it is a breeze. I just had mine today. the lady was so nice! she knew a lot about brown and the weirdest thing was the people i mentioned for research she knew them personally. make sure you do know why you want to go that school and what you have to offer them. that was the main questions that i have seen in may forums. </p>

oooo yeah…I remember you!! that was a while ago. I’m not sure if UCF is where I want to go for sure. I still need to research their program some more to feel comfortable. I got accepted to USF. I just sent off some more grades for UCF. I got a deferrment from them. But I should get it. I forgot. R u going to UCF for sure or r u just waiting to hear from other schools?</p>

<p>Wow and I was happy with my one interview. People have had like 3-4 already. lol better one then none I guess. Has anyone gotten a cornell interview yet.</p>

<p>By the way to people who applied to Brown an were worried about not having a car as a freshmen. the lady that interviewed me said that you don’t need one there. she said it is easy to walk everywhere and there is a shuttle that can pick you up and drop you off around campus. hope this info helps! :)</p>

<p>what kind of decisions can one expect from AU, BC, UVA, WUSTL, PENN (Wharton) with:</p>

<p>2.8x UW
3.5x W
Math 2 - 700
Spanish - 570
3’s on AP exams
full IB diploma</p>

<p>majoring in Poly Sci or Finance or Economics</p>

<p>I have a question about the interviews you guys have had.
Did any of your interviewers ask you if the school you were interviewing for is your first choice?</p>

<p>@BlackRose21 Ive had only had one interview and it was for Brown as well. She asked me questions like what organizations at Brown would I like to participate in and why do I want to go there.
I know that Cornell does not give every applicant an interview like Brown does.</p>

<p>That’s so weird. There’s supposed to be a Harvard alumnus here in Dubai, but they have yet to contact me… :S</p>

<p>HBrown, I never got asked that question. Nothing even remotely close. They never asked about what universities I applied for, or anything. However, Princeton did ask me which of the “short takes” were my favorites from the application, and I know that both Princeton and Yale have them. I think he was trying to see whether I applied to Yale (because honestly, I couldn’t distinguish between the questions and ended up babbling over), but that may just be my paranoid thinking.</p>

<p>BlackRose21, I totally have the same feeling. Even though I’ve gotten two interviews, I feel sort of out of the bubble, as if I am genuinly missing out because I haven’t done any interviews for Cornell, Columbia or Harvard.</p>

yeah I got asked those same questions. do u mean the brown goes more out of their way to make an interview than cornell? i didn’t think everyone who applies to brown would get an interview. Also my interviewer did ask me what schools I applied to. I only stated the in of state schools but she did kindof hint to ask if brown was at the top of my list.</p>

<p>Brown’s system is computerized and everyone who applies receives an interview. Cornell I think that they start to give interviews after they review your application and figure out whether they like you or not.</p>

<p>Brown interviews everyone except certain prep school students i.e Dalton.</p>

<p>hey did everyone send in all of their FA to all of their schools yet? They want a lot of stuff. css profile, fafsa, and princeton has their own financial aid that u have to fill out, same thing with cornell.</p>

<p>Yeah. I just have to submit my supplemental financial aid info which is basically from all my top schools. Gosh. They make it so stressful. But it’s all good.</p>

<p>I recently got rejected from Howard University =(… Hopefully getting into Morgan State =)</p>

<p>can someone chance me for…?</p>

<p>UNC Chapel Hill
USouth Carolina
NC State

<p>Gender: M
Race: Black/ Jamaican-American
1st Generation American
College Class Year: 2015
High School: Public</p>


<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.30
GPA - Weighted: 4.00
Class Rank: top 25%
Class Size: 500</p>

<p>AP Courses- Language&Composition, Psychology, Earth&Environmental Science</p>


<p>SAT I Math: 590
SAT I Critical Reading: 580</p>


<p>Significant Extracurriculars: Student Government Executive Board, Football, FBLA, DECA
Leadership positions: Student Body Treasurer '09-'10
Student Council Board Member '08-'09
JV Football Captain- '07 and '08
Athletic Status - list sport and your level: Football, Varsity
Volunteer/Service Work: Over 100 hours with various organizations
Honors and Awards: A-B Honor Roll
College Summer programs: Impact Program (through PriceWaterhouseCoopers)</p>

<p>Please post in the [What</a> Are My Chances?](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/]What”>Chance Me / Match Me! - College Confidential Forums) forum if you want to be chanced.</p>

<p>Is there anyone here who hasn’t filled out/submitted all of their FA forms yet?</p>

<p>lol yeah. well i have filled out half of them. i did css profile and sent it out to my schools, but i still not to fill out the fafsa. also has anyone applied for the pell grant yet?</p>