2014 African Americans!

<p>^I’m glad to see I’m not the only one in this pickle. I forgot about my FAFSA till I got an email from one of my schools reminding me to submit. If I don’t get any external scholarships, then I will have effectively shot myself in the foot when it comes to going to my top schools (provided they accept me, of course). :'(</p>

<p>Do you have to apply for the Pell Grant? I did my FAFSA a couple of weeks ago, and I just received something about my EFC saying that I would be eligible for a Pell Grant. Do you have to fill something out in addition to that?</p>

<p>I’m guilty… I still havent filled out the fafsa</p>

<p>My mother did my FAFSA and CSS profile and whatnot. I have no idea how kids do it themselves. It’s so confusing and financial. One of my sister’s friend’s parents made him do it and he ended up asking them a question about very fill-in-the-box on it.</p>

<p>^The forms aren’t that difficult to complete. They even tell you which boxes to look at on the 1040 forms. And online guides abound.</p>

<p>^We live the sort of semi-charmed lives where that stuff confuses us.</p>

<p>^ROFL at the “semi-charmed lives” phrase. But I guess it’s always like that filling out the FAFSA for the first time, since I know I was confused when filling out my bro’s form last year.</p>

<p>Huh I just filled out the FAFSA for the 3rd time for my kid :(</p>

Fill it out = continuation of scholarship
Ignore it = Pay out of my pocket</p>

<p>Decision? Complete the FAFSA</p>

<p>yeah the FAFSA is actually pretty easy to complete. If you completed the CSS profile than you can definatley do this. I think it is easier than the css profile. I just have to fill out the wages and salaries portion. Also how do u know if the school you applied to needs the IDOC? I’m really new to this. I just heard about the IDOC a week ago.</p>

<p>hey are college interviewers supposed to talk about their political beliefs in an interview? im not sure but i thought they weren’t,i had my last college interview with yale this past weekend and the guy went on tangents and wasn’t really interested in why i want to go to yale and it was pretty uncomfortable lol, he said a lot of things that i didn’t agree with and it was really awkward :/</p>

<p>No in reality they aren’t suppose to but anything can happen in an interview. I mean I would thnk that it could come up as a possible topic but not in a way that it dominated the whole interview. That really sucks though, sorry that happened to you. try asking a yale forum if you don’t get a good answer here.</p>

<p>"Damn ■■■■■■■ shouldn’t be allowed to go to university "
What should I do if an admission counselor says that ? Should I just not show my race on my applications?</p>

<p>woah…man you kind of scared me there I thought you were a non-black person saying that. I don’t really know what you are trying to say. How would yo know they said this? Or r u just painting a scenario? I would strongly put ur race on there, cause it is part of who you are and it adds to the application along with other things. But I’m really curious to know why you thought that, unless you have heard someone say this to you or had someone else have this scenario happen to someone else. I mean there will also be ignorant and racist people sadly but I dunno what else to say. :(</p>

<p>well yeah, like you know how usually the first few questions in an interview are “so, tell me about yourself?” or “why do you want to go to <em>insert school</em>?” ummm, he never asked neither, he was nice, but almost self-centered, he wanted to hear himself talk more than he wanted to hear about my interest in yale. i’m ok though honestly because it isn’t my top school, if so i would have been devastated lol</p>

<p>Hey all, been reading through the threads Congrats on everyone’s acceptances and good luck to those not yet accepted! Waiting on USC still, but so far have been accepted to Pitt Penn State and CU-Boulder for Chemical Engineering! Pretty pumped</p>

<p>Hello everyone.</p>

<p>I was just wondering where I can get good (website doesn’t give much)information about the National Achievement competition, or at least the scores for my state.</p>

<p>My school didn’t even notify me about it, in fact, I found out from random college letters congratulating me on making Semifinalist.
Because of that, I was months late to the deadline for turning in the application.</p>

<p>However, all of that is irrelevant. I don’t think I really did that good on the PSat, so I was wondering where I could go to find out last years PSAT score cutoffs for my state.
So I can reassure myself that those colleges and I aren’t mistaken. And feel as if I really am National Achievement.</p>

<p>You can just call. There aren’t really any official cutoffs for NASF posted.</p>

<p>number: (847) 866-5100</p>

<p>Thanks Dnerd.</p>

<p>OK guys be brutally honest with me, just got SAT scores back: 680 CR, 660 M, 680 W (71 subscore w/ 8 essay :frowning: ). How bad is this going to hurt for places like Brown, Penn, Cornell, and Amherst? lol I absolutely SUCK at standardized testing.</p>

<p>Hey dont worry man your scores are not bad. I hate to be the guy to play this card but if you look at the score percentiles based off of race, you score around the 99th percentile for African-Americans in all your subjects. Your at the top of the pool.</p>