2014 African Americans!

<p>“it looks like we’re the only floridians in this forum.”</p>

<p>Hey, I’m from Florida too. I mentioned it a few times =/</p>

<p>Anyone from New York City???</p>

<p>HBrown, I’m from new york and If i go to college here its going to be in the city.

<p>im not from the city but im from long island (close enough lol) and so far i got into stony brook, st.johns, temple, and drexel</p>

<p>…I live in Arizona. I’m from Gary, Indiana. You guys live in cool places…and I’m in…Arizona.</p>

<p>@thefranchize9: I just wanted to boost your hopes up a bit. I know a minority boy who went to my school last year. Besides getting straight A’s, he didn’t really have a hook. 1960 SAT I, around 730’s in his SAT IIs (he took two), and he got into Cornell (although he was rejected from Brown). He didn’t have anyyy extra-curriculars, and the only thing he was involved in was this Youth Group outside school. </p>

<p>His interviews probably went okayyy, because on first impression, he is a bit snobbish.</p>

<p>I know the Ivy League admittance is very unpredicable, but if he got in,why wouldn’t you?

<p>@BeautifulNerd, you’re from Gary, Indiana?? I.E. the home of my favorite musical artist of all time (RIP) ?!? How lucky! (If your a fan of his, lol) Did you apply to any colleges in Ohio?</p>

<p>Lol yes, I LOVE MJ! I cried so hard when he died. You don’t understand how die hard MJ fans my fam is. No, I didn’t apply to any Ohio schools. Just one in Illinois and one in Indiana. What schools are you looking at?</p>

<p>I’m so happy someone knows about Gary, IN :-)</p>

<p>@glitterz<em>iz</em>gold: Your consolation cheered me up too, thanks :-).</p>

<p>THANKS SO MUCH GLITTERZ!!! I can’t help feeling a rollercoaster of emotions ranging from insecurity to confidence. Oy vey! I need closure ASAP. How’s everyone’s senior year going? Has seniorities kicked in yet? lol For me, it hasn’t. --___–</p>

<p>IB students at my school: “The only thing that matters is 1st semester senior year, and it’s 2nd semester.”</p>

<p>I don’t think senioritis has affected me. I have little to no HW as it is, and come April, I’ll just have finals and IB tests for a lot of May. Then, I’m done.</p>

<p>Ugh I am a little nervous… I smacked myself on the forehead with this typo–> For my Harvard interview, I gave my interviewer a resume along with a creative writing sample. However, on the resume, I accidently put the wrong college on there (“Applicant of Yale College Class of 2014”). I didn’t really mean to, honestly :-/!! Does anyone think that I am going to be heavily penalized for this?</p>

<p>I would say yes but then again admissions are funny.My cousin had a similar situation to yours. She wrote an essay for one college and gave the same essay to another college and didn’t take out the name of the other college that it was addressed for and got in. At least you didn’t give it directly to admissions. As long as your interview was good then I think you will be ok.</p>

<p>I would really like to go to Stanford but I don’t know if I will get in! My SATs rn’t great (1960) and this year senioritis have affected me - a lot! I’m taking 6 AP classes, but I have mostly Bs :frowning: I know I could do better but Ive been lazy and the first semester flew by quicker than I thought it would I hope this doesn’t kill my chances w/ Stanford.</p>

<p>@BlackRose: Okay because I was freaking out! I was like “Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!” I need some assurance…</p>

<p>Don’t worry DNerd, I am from Florida too, feeling a little left out still, lol!</p>

<p>ugh… just had my interview with cornell. The guy just called me up and asked if I wanted to do it on the spot. Didn’t even give me a days notice. Said he needed to finish his interviews. </p>

yeah I just got finished having my cornell interview and he told me like I said before that they have rejected people with perfect scores from their universities because they didn’t have anything else to contribute. For example he talked about this one kid that had nothing else and no ec’s. They want to know that you are more than just a person who just studies a lot</p>

<p>I didn’t know that you HAD to take a pe class and a swimming test during school. Did anyone know about that?</p>

Yeah another Floridian! :slight_smile: I’m going to lose track soon. What schools did you apply to?</p>

<p>hello all! im sydney and i just found this thread!!</p>

<p>im from dc (actually right outside dc) but i was born in kansas city… is there anyone else from missouri?</p>


<p>@ BlackRose21
I applied to like 9 schools, lol. USF, UCF, FSU, UF, Emory, Yale, Harvard, UM, and Columbia, lol. Oh wow about your Cornell interview, your probably did a good job. I know if it was me I would just freeze up and be like uh uh uh, lol!</p>

<p>You have to take a PE and swimming test at notre dame if I’m not mistaken. That’s weird. But I’m ok with it because I stay in shape. What other schools have that?</p>

<p>I know I’m just randoming popping into the middle of this conversation, but I have never posted in this forum and I would just like to introduce myself. </p>

<p>Hi. </p>
